Page 74 - BUKU MERAUKE 24-06-2024 GABUNG
P. 74


               Sukses Tekan Inflasi Melalui Gelar Pangan Murah

               Inflation Reduction Through Affordable Food

               Pemerintah Kabupaten Merauke sukses tekan inflasi melalui   The Merauke Regency Government has effectively
               Gelar Pangan Murah. Diketahui, inflasi merupakan situasi di   suppressed inflation by implementing Cheap Food Titles.
               mana harga barang dan jasa secara umum dan terus menerus   Inflation is widely recognized as a condition in which the
               mengalami kenaikan dalam jangka waktu tertentu.      prices of products and services consistently and consistently
                                                                    increase over a specific period.

               Pada Juli tahun 2023, inflasi di Kabupaten Merauke mencapai   In July 2023, the inflation rate in Merauke Regency was
               angka 5,21% lebih tinggi dari inflasi nasional yaitu 3,0%.   5.21%, which was higher than the national inflation rate
               Untuk mengatasi hal itu, Pemerintah Kabupaten Merauke   of 3.0%. To address this issue, the Food Security, Livestock
               melalui Dinas Ketahanan Pangan, Peternakan dan Kesehatan   and Animal Health Service Office of the Merauke Regency
               Hewan berupaya mengoptimalkan Gelar Pangan Murah, yang   Government is attempting to optimize Gelar Pangan Murah, a
               merupakan program dari Badan Pangan Nasional.        program of the National Food Agency.

               Melalui Gelar Pangan Murah, inflasi Kabupaten Merauke bisa   By December 2023, Merauke Regency's inflation can be
               ditekan ke angka 4,67 persen pada Desember 2023.     reduced to 4.67 percent through Gelar Pangan Murah.
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