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                    100 Logan Road
                 Gibsonia, PA 15044


Name: ______________________________ Homeroom: ________

                                Dr. David Kristofic, Principal
                           Mr. Ashley Boyers, Assistant Principal
             Mrs. Jennifer Mullaugh, Guidance Counselor (Students A-K)
                 To Be Determined, Guidance Counselor (Students L-Z)

                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

2018-19 CALENDAR (Page 2)                           EMERGENCY DATA (Page 11)
ACADEMIC PROGRAM (Page 3)                           FIRE DRILLS (Page 11)
ACCESS TO THE BUILDING (Page 3)                     FOOD AND BEVERAGES (Page 11)
                                                    GRADE REPORTING (Page 11)
          After School Hours
ATHLETICS (Page 3)                                             Grading Scale
                                                               Honor Roll
          Interscholastic and Club Athletics                   Merit Scholars Program
          Academic Eligibility                                 Incomplete Grades
ATTENDANCE (Page 4)                                            Academic Integrity
          Absence from and Tardiness to School      GUIDANCE SERVICES (Page 12)
          Unexcused Absences                        HALL PASSES (Page 12)
          Tardiness                                 HEALTH SERVICES (Page 12)
          Unexcused Tardiness                                  Accidents
          Early Dismissal                                      Health Examinations
          Concussions                                          Health Screening
          Educational Trip Requests                            Illness
BACKPACKS (Page 5)                                             Immunizations
BUSES (Page 5)                                                 Medication
          Bus Passes                                           Epinephrine Administration
          Passes to Ride Home                       HOMEWORK (Page 14)
CAFETERIA (Page 5)                                  LIBRARY (Page14)
          Paying for Cafeteria Purchases            LOCKERS (Page 14)
          Meal Prices                               LOCKER ROOMS (Page 14)
          Free and Reduced Meals                    LOST AND FOUND (Page 14)
          Cafeteria Rules                           MESSAGES/ITEMS FROM HOME (Page 14)
CELL PHONES (Page 7)                                PARENT STAFF ASSOCIATION (Page 14)
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES (Page 7)                       SALE OR TRANSACTIONS (Page 14)
COMMUNICATION (Page 10)                             SEARCHES (Page 14)
          Assignment Notebooks                      SNACKS/TREATS FROM HOME (Page 14)
          Teacher E-mail/Voicemail                  STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (Page 15)
          Meet the Teacher Night                    SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS AND AUDIO
          Home Access Center                                   RECORDING (Page 15)
          Parent Conferences                        TELEPHONES (Page 15)
          E-Newsletters                             TEXTBOOKS (Page 15)
          Website                                   TIPS HOTLINE (Page 16)
DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS (Page 10)                       VENDING MACHINES (Page 16)
DISCIPLINE AT PRMS (Page 10)                        VISITORS (Page 16)
EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSINGS (Page 11)             2
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