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A day at the middle school consists of eight class Students are only permitted to stay after school if:
periods, each approximately 40 minutes in length, and
a 30-minute lunch. These eight periods include five 1. They are staying with a teacher for extra help.
academic classes, two unified Arts classes, and Students would then report to that teacher by
Academic Support/Performing Arts. Academic 2:30 and stay with him or her until picked up.
subjects for each grade level are as follows:
2. They are participating in a scheduled activity
Grade 7 Grade 8 such as a club or sport. Students would then
English English report to their club sponsors or coaches by
Reading Pre-AP English 2:30 and stay with them until they are picked
Social Studies Reading up.
Science Social Studies
Fundamentals of Pre-AP Social Studies Students may not roam the school or campus
Science unsupervised after dismissal.
Pre-Algebra Science C/E
Pre-Algebra C/E Fundamentals of ATHLETICS
Pre-Algebra Current
Honors Algebra I Algebra Interscholastic and Club Athletics
World Language Algebra I C/E Throughout the year, announcements will be made to
Unified Arts Algebra I Current the student body concerning tryouts/signups for
Honors Geometry various interscholastic and club team sports. All
French I middle school students are invited to sign up for these
Spanish I sports. Students will pay an annual fee for
German I participation in school sports.
Mandarin Chinese
Unified Arts The PIAA mandates that students receive a new
physical for each school year if participating in a
8th grade Unified Arts classes will consist of 9 weeks school sport. Students are only required to have one
each in Art, Automation and Robotics, Intro to physical per year. This physical should be done by the
Business, and Family and Consumer Science. In student’s private physician and the required school
addition, they will alternate between Physical paperwork completed and returned to the Athletic
Education and Health every other day throughout the Office prior to the first competitive season in which
year. they participate. These physicals must be done after
June 1st for the upcoming school year. The following
7th grade unified Arts classes also consist of 9 weeks interscholastic and club team sports may be available
each in Art, Design and Modeling, Family and and may include a fee for participation:
Consumer Science, and Computer Applications, and
will alternate between Physical Education and 9 weeks Girls Boys
in each World Language course (Spanish, French, Fall Fall
German and Cultural Fusion) every other day Basketball Cross Country
throughout the year. Cross Country Football
Field Hockey Ice Hockey*
Academic support period is a structured time for Soccer In-Line Hockey*
students to see their teachers for extra help with Volleyball Soccer
academics. Some students choose to participate in a
Performing Arts class such as band, chorus or Winter Winter
orchestra during the academic support period. Basketball Basketball
Regular school hours are from 7:20 AM until 2:26 PM. Lacrosse Spring
While students should not arrive to school prior to 7:00 Softball Baseball
AM, students arriving earlier should report directly to Track and Field Lacrosse*
the main gym until the homeroom bell at 7:05. Track and Field
Between 7:05 and 7:20 AM, students should report Multiple Seasons Volleyball*
directly to their homerooms. Cheerleading
Crew* Multiple Seasons