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higher on the end-of-year exam (6 equals a C; 7 equals a B; 8 and 9 equal an A), and have a class average of 85% or higher.
        The cost for the course is $225.   Students who wish to earn RIT credits may do so by completing the current registration
        form and sending it directly to RIT.  More information and the required form can be found

        Pathway to Engineering (PTE)
        Throughout PTE, students learn and apply the design process, acquire strong teamwork and communication proficiency,
        and develop organizational, critical thinking and problem solving skills.  Along the way students investigate a variety of
        careers in STEM fields.

        Foundation Courses (2)
        Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)
        Designed for 9th or 10th grade students, the major focus of IED is the design process and its application. Through hands-
        on projects, students apply engineering standards and document their work. Students use industry standard 3D modeling
        software to help them design solutions to solve proposed problems, document their work using an engineer’s notebook,
        and communicate solutions to peers and members of the professional community.

        Principles of Engineering (POE)
        Designed for 10th or 11th grade students, this survey course exposes students to major concepts they will encounter in a
        postsecondary engineering course of study.  Topics include mechanisms, energy, statics, materials, and kinematics. They
        develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and  design to create solutions to various
        challenges, document their work and communicate solutions.

        Specialization Courses
        Civil Engineering & Architecture (CEA)
        Students learn about various aspects of civil engineering and architecture and apply their knowledge to the design and
        development of residential and commercial properties and structures. In addition, students use 3D design software to
        design and document solutions for major course projects. Students communicate and present solutions to their peers and
        members of a professional community of engineers and architects. This course is designed for 11th or 12th grade students.

        Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
        How are things made? What processes go into creating products? Is the process for making a water bottle the same as it
        is for a musical instrument? How do assembly lines work? How has automation changed the face of manufacturing?
        While students discover the answers to these questions, they’re learning about the history of manufacturing, robotics and
        automation, manufacturing processes, computer modeling, manufacturing equipment,  and flexible manufacturing
        systems. This course is designed for 11th or 12th grade students.

        Capstone Course (1)
        Honors Engineering Design & Development (EDD) Completion of the following courses with a 70% or higher: PLTW
        IED, POE, and CIM OR CAD, Robotics, and Advanced Robotics. This course is the capstone course in the PLTW high
        school engineering program.  It is an engineering research course in which students work in teams to design and develop
        an original solution to a valid open-ended technical problem by applying the engineering design process.  This course
        applies and develops secondary level knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, and technology.

         2022-2023 Pine-Richland High School Program of Studies (Table of Contents)                                                                      113
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