Page 10 - MSHandbookProgStudies1920
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resources and beauty of Western Pennsylvania and the                                  Jazz Band
Pine-Richland area. To empower and assist students          Sponsor: Mr. Stillwagon (v/m 2232)
to make a difference in their community through             Open to: Any 7th and 8th grade band students playing
service projects and environmental educational              standard jazz ensemble instruments.
opportunities.                                              Meetings: After school Mondays in the Band Room
Activities: Going on nature walks, discussing the           (you must arrange for your own ride home).
importance of different types of ecosystems, and            Purpose: Learn and perform jazz arrangements of
exploring the natural areas around the school and in        popular songs.
the community. Work on planting and growing                 Activities: Practice jazz arrangements and perform
flowers and greenery to beautify the school grounds.        periodically at concerts.
Sponsorship of school-related recycling efforts aimed       How to join: By audition with Mr. Stillwagon. See
to educate fellow students of the importance of             Mr. Stillwagon in the Band Room if you have any
recycling.                                                  questions.
How to join: Listen to the announcements for
information.                                                                       Leaders’ Club
                                                            Sponsor: Mrs. Moore (v/m 2209)
            First Lego League (Rambotics)                   Open to: Grades 7 and 8
Sponsor: TBD                                                Meetings: As needed throughout the entire year.
Open to: Grades 7 and 8                                     Purpose: To develop leadership skills by doing
Meetings: Once a week                                       volunteer and service-oriented activities directed by
Purpose: To teach kids programming and building             Mrs. Moore. To develop self-esteem, confidence,
skills, as well as working with a team while                responsibility, empathy, and citizenship by placing
discovering and learning about STEAM. To teach              others’ needs ahead of your own.
middle school students about the basics of robotics.        Activities: Various volunteer activities.
Activities: Participation in an annual challenge and        How to join: Informational/organizational meeting is
compete in local tournaments.                               held in September. During the school year, Mrs.
How to join: Listen to the announcements about sign-        Moore will consider student additions (especially as
ups in the fall.                                            sports seasons change). See the sponsor in room 209
                                                            if you have questions.
Sponsor: Mr. Byko (v/m 1810)                                               National Academic League
Open to: Grades 7 and 8                                     Sponsors: Mrs. Harris-Crowe (v/m 2304) and
Meetings: Monday through Friday after school in
room 106 at the High School.                                            Mrs. Mullaugh (v/m 2229)
Purpose: Forensics is an activity that allows students      Open to: Grades 7 and 8
another outlet for performing talent and public             Meetings: Practices typically occur during the months
speaking practice.                                          of November and December as needed to prepare for
Activities: Students may practice speech pieces in          competitions.
preparation for forensics tournaments. Students may         Purpose: For academically-focused students to
choose from Humorous Interpretation, Dramatic               participate in various trivia and academic games,
Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Prose, Poetry,          competing against local schools with questions
Debate, and others.                                         encompassing subjects such as math, science,
How to join: See Mr. Byko for more information.             geography, world history and language arts.
Meetings will begin at the start of the school year.        Activities: Competitions occur weekly during the
                                                            months of January and February. Students answer
                        Intramurals                         questions for various subject areas as well as prepare
Sponsor: Mr. Frank (v/m 2302)                               presentations about current events. Students also have
Open to: Grades 7 and 8                                     the opportunity to compete at the national level if a
Meetings: After school when announced.                      championship is won.
Purpose: To have fun!                                       How to join: Listen to the announcements for
Activities: Dodgeball, floor hockey, handball, soccer       information about joining NAL each fall.
and other fun activities.
How to join: Listen to school announcements advising
when these activities will be offered or see Mr. Frank
in room 302 for more information.

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