Page 6 - MSHandbookProgStudies1920
P. 6

*Indicates a club sport                                           3. When a student returns to school following a
   Academic Eligibility for Athletics and Extra-                       period of absence or enters school tardy, a
                   Curricular Activities                               written excuse signed by a parent or guardian
                                                                       that includes the student’s name, days of
Students participating in athletics and activities are                 absence or tardy, and the reason for the
expected to maintain passing grades in all of their                    absence or tardy must be presented to the
subjects as reported weekly in grades measured from                    school office. The written excuse must be
the beginning of the grading period. Eligibility is                    turned in within three days of returning from
determined by the three cases that are described below.                an absence or tardiness or it will be recorded
                                                                       as unexcused.
     1. Passing less than four full-credit subjects in
          any given week. Result: Ineligible.                     4. The student should make immediate plans
                                                                       with teachers to make up all work missed
     2. Failing two or more subjects in any given                      during the absence or tardiness. This is the
          week. (First week grade issued in any                        student’s responsibility. Students will be
          grading period will not affect student                       given one day to make up homework/tests for
          eligibility.) Result: Ineligible.                            each day of absence. Students should check
                                                                       Blackboard and Google Classroom for
     3. Failing just one course in a given week.                       homework assignments when absent.
          Result: May participate, but student is
          warned.                                                 5. After 10 days of unexcused or parent-
                                                                       excused absences, parents will be notified by
Procedures – Under the direction of the athletic                       letter and the school will require the parent to
director, students who participate in extra-curricular                 verify any additional absences with a written
and athletic activities will have their cumulative nine                statement from a physician.
weeks grades reviewed at the end of each week.
Students who fall under case 1 and 2 listed above shall                         Unexcused Absences
be ineligible from participation in extra-curricular and     An unexcused absence means either that a written
athletic activities for a one-week period of time as         excuse for being absent was not received within three
measured from the next Sunday through Sunday                 school days, or that the excuse for being absent
following the report of eligibility. These students and      contained in the written note was not one of the
their parents and coaches/sponsors will be informed of       acceptable reasons for being absent from school as
their status in a timely manner. Students who receive        defined in the District Discipline Code.
failing grades will be encouraged to participate in
some form of academic coaching.                                                        Tardiness
                                                             Students who arrive to school after the late bell must
ATTENDANCE                                                   report to the office for a tardy slip. Students are
                                                             reminded that every instance of being tardy must be
       Absence From and Tardiness to School                  excused by a written note from a parent. Students who
Students are expected to be present and punctual for         are detained in the office at the change of class or by a
all classes throughout the year. When sickness or            teacher should ask for a pass before going to the next
obligation to family necessitates an absence from or         class.
tardy to school, the following steps should be
followed:                                                                       Unexcused Tardiness
                                                             Unexcused tardiness means either that a written
     1. A parent or guardian should call the school          excuse for being tardy was not received within three
          office by 7:30 AM to report the absence by         school days, or that the excuse for being tardy
          calling 724-625-3111 (dial 2#).                    contained in the written note was not one of the
                                                             acceptable reasons for being tardy to school as defined
     2. In an effort for all school districts across the     in the District Discipline Code. “Sleeping in”,
          state of Pennsylvania to follow similar            “missing the bus” and “car problems” are not
          attendance procedures, any student who             considered valid reasons for being tardy.
          misses more than 50% of a school day will be
          considered absent for the day. Parents will                              Early Dismissal
          continue to see the time their student signed      Students are encouraged to make doctor and dental
          in or out of school in Home Access, however,       appointments during out-of-school hours and on non-
          if the student did not complete at least 50%       school days. If this is not possible, release time from
          of the school day, then the attendance code        school may be requested. A note from the parents
          will be absent.                                    must be presented to the office prior to first period.
                                                             The student will be given an Early Dismissal pass and

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