Page 12 - Annual Report of Achievement & Growth
P. 12


Note: A newly developed Math assessment was given first in Spring 2015 to test PA Core standards. Spring 2016 is the second year
the new assessment has been given. We do not yet have trend data for this test. Because the current (2015-2016) Math assessment is
a different test than the earlier (2010-2014) Math assessment, comparisons between results may not be made.

GRADE 3 Performance Level Percentages over Time

           2010     2011            2012     2013           2014  PA 2014
                                                            74.0    39.7
ADV        66.8 71.3 73.8 66.8                              22.6    35.3
                                                            96.6    75.0
PROF       29.9 26.4 22.5 26.5                               2.8    14.6
                                                             0.6    10.3
ADV/PRO 96.7        97.7            96.3     93.2           327
BASIC      3.3 1.7 1.8 5.4

BEL BAS    0.0                 0.6  1.8      1.4

# TESTED   361                 348  325      355

ADV        2015       PA 2015        2016    PA 2016  PA Top      *PA Top Decile: Based on PDE-released data,
PROF      Percent     Percent       Percent  Percent  Decile*     all schools at this grade level were ranked-
ADV/PRO                                                           ordered based on combined levels of
BASIC       48.5         20.0         61.3     26.3     81.1      advanced/proficient performance. A benchmark
BEL BAS     32.3         28.5         26.9     28.1               level of the top 10% of schools was then
# TESTED    80.8         48.5         88.2     54.4               identified. This comparison metric provides
            11.7         23.5          7.1     21.0               greater context for evaluating performance levels
             7.6         28.0          4.6     24.6               of high performing schools.
            291        125309         323    124642
                    Mean Score       1140      1020                                                           PSSA Math

Females    2015       PA 2015        2016    PA 2016
          Percent      Percent      Percent  Percent
PROF        34.8         18.6         54.1     24.6
ADV/PRO     38.3         28.8         33.1     28.5
BASIC       73.0         47.4         87.2     53.1
BEL BAS     16.5         24.8          8.7     22.1
# TESTED    10.4         27.8          4.1     24.8
            115         61235         172     61065
                    Mean Score       1120      1020

Males      2015       PA 2015        2016    PA 2016
          Percent      Percent      Percent  Percent
PROF        57.4         21.4         69.5     27.8
ADV/PRO     28.4         28.1         19.9     27.8
BASIC       85.8         49.5         89.4     55.7
BEL BAS      8.5         22.3          5.3     19.9
# TESTED     5.7         28.1          5.3     24.4
            176         64043         151     63577
                    Mean Score       1160      1020

Students with IEPs

          2015        PA 2015        2016    PA 2016
                       Percent      Percent  Percent
                          7.8         36.4     10.5
ADV        36.6          15.1         27.3     16.8
                         22.9         63.6     27.2
PROF       19.5          21.6         15.9     20.4
                         55.4         20.5     52.4
ADV/PRO 56.1            19425          44     19484
                    Mean Score       1060       930
BASIC      22.0
                                                    Page 8
BEL BAS    22.0

# TESTED   41

Pine-Richland School District
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