Page 19 - Annual Report of Achievement & Growth
P. 19
Grade 4 PSSA Math Anchors
M4.A-T Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
M4.A-T.1 Generalize place-value understanding of multi-digit whole numbers
M4.A-T.2 Use place-value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-
digit arithmetic
M4.A-F Numbers and Operations-Fractions
M4.A-F.1 Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering
M4.A-F.2 Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous
understandings of operations on whole numbers
M4.A-F.3 Understand decimal notion for fractions and compare decimal fractions
M4.B-O Operations and Algebraic Thinking
M4.B-O.1 Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems
M4.B-O.2 Gain familiarity with factors and multiples
M4.B-O.3 Generate and analyze patterns
M4.C-G Geometry
M4.C-G.1 Draw and indentify lines and angles, and classify shapes by the properties of
their lines and angles
M4.D-M Measurement and Data
M4.D-M.1 Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from
a larger unit to a smaller unit
M4.D-M.2 Represent and interpret data
M4.D-M.3 Geometric measurement: understand concepts of angle; measure and create angles
Pine-Richland School District Page 15 PSSA Math