Page 68 - Annual Report of Achievement & Growth
P. 68
Note: PDE has not revised the Science assessment. Comparisons of results over time may be made.
GRADE 8 Performance Level Percentages over Time
ADV 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 PA 2016 PA Top
PROF 41.8 39.4 31.3 38.8 37.3 27.3 Decile*
ADV/PRO 40.1 44.8 45.0 40.6 41.9 30.4
BASIC 81.9 84.2 76.3 79.4 79.2 57.7 76.2
BEL BAS 13.7 10.6 16.8 13.5 13.3 16.8
# TESTED 4.4 5.2 7.0 7.1 7.5 25.5
355 353 364 394 332
Mean Score 1410 1227282
*PA Top Decile: Based on PDE-released data, all schools at this grade level were ranked-ordered based on combined
levels of advanced/proficient performance. A benchmark level of the top 10% of schools was then identified. This
comparison metric provides greater context for evaluating performance levels of high performing schools.
Females 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 PA 2016
36.0 27.9 25.1 29.8 34.4 26.3
ADV 44.0 57.0 48.0 48.0 47.1 32.0
PROF 80.0 84.9 73.1 77.8 81.5 58.3
ADV/PRO 16.0 11.5 19.9 13.5 15.9 18.0
BASIC 4.0 3.6 7.0 8.8 2.5 23.6
BEL BAS 179 168 175 171 157 59489
# TESTED Mean Score 1410 1310
Males 2012 49.7 2014 2015 2016 PA 2016
47.9 33.9 36.9 45.7 40.0 28.2
ADV 35.9 83.6 42.2 35.0 37.1 28.8
PROF 83.8 9.8 79.1 80.7 77.1 57.0
ADV/PRO 11.4 6.6 13.9 13.5 10.9 15.6
BASIC 4.8 185 7.0 5.8 12.0 27.3
BEL BAS 176 189 223 175 63293
# TESTED 2013 Mean Score 1400 1310
Students with IEPs 2012 14.8 2014 2015 2016 PA 2016
5.7 46.3 18.9 6.7 2.9 5.9
ADV 31.4 22.2 24.5 20.0 35.3 13.8
PROF 37.1 31.5 43.4 26.7 38.2 19.7
ADV/PRO 40.0 59 24.5 31.1 26.5 17.6
BASIC 22.9 32.1 42.2 35.3 62.7
BEL BAS 48 53 45 34
# TESTED Mean Score 1200 18776
Pine-Richland School District Page 64 PSSA Science