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g) The IAS may be called upon to perform special assignments by the Head of Agency. However,
it shall not be responsible or required to participate in procedures that are essentially part of
regular operating activities. The IAS shall be detached from all routinary functions such as the
1) pre-audit of vouchers and counter-signature of checks;
2) inspection of deliveries, although the internal auditor may, as part of his examination,
observe inspection;
3) preparation of treasury and bank reconciliation statements;
4) development and installation of systems and procedures; however, in exceptional cases,
the internal auditor may assist by way of giving suggestions;
5) conduct of physical inventories, however, the internal auditor may review the plans in
advance and observe and test-check the accuracy of counting, costing and
6) maintenance of property records and
7) Performance of all other activities and related operations.
Section 1.c. Quality Assurance Office
The Quality Assurance Office shall ensure that quality policy is established and quality is
pursued at all levels of the University. Headed by a University Administrator, the Office shall be
responsible in planning, implementing and maintaining operational processes for continual
improvement of the established University Quality Management System (QMS).
Center to the role of the Quality Assurance Administrator shall assure and improve quality
in all areas of operation at the university through internal and external quality assurance:
a) Formulate, recommend and execute a well-organized and directed work programs of the Office
in line with the goals and objectives of the University;
b) Ensure the sustained implementation of the established University Quality Management
Systems (QMS) – Training/education, documentation, maintenance, review and further
development/improvement of processes and procedures on management, instruction and
related operations, and support services processes and procedures.
c) Formulate and recommend university quality assurance policies and procedures in line with
statutory and external certifying body requirements.
More specifically, the Quality Assurance Administrator shall perform the following functions:
1) serve as the link between the university and the students/clients, as well as the university
and the staff – to determine level of client satisfaction on the university services;
2) analyze the information and data gathered by the QMS Task Force committees (committee
reports) and heads of colleges/offices through monitoring and Internal Quality Audit (IQA)
3) inform management on how the system is performing in regards to quality, and suggests
improvements that could be made;
4) raise the culture of quality assurance in the university through rewards system;
5) initiate and schedule the conduct of management reviews, and
6) attend to other responsibilities that may be assigned from time to time.
University Assistant Administrator shall perform the following functions:
8 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area X: The Administration/Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration