Page 13 - BPA-Area 10 PPP_Neat
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a)  Institutional Planning which shall perform the following functions:

                              1)  oversee the development and updating of the University Corporate Plan;
                              2)  provide technical support (e.g. providing procedural guidance, training and consultation)
                                  for the planning process in all operating units of the university system to ensure that they
                                  are in conformity with the university vision, mission, and goals;
                              3)  generate  development  plans  (i.e.  long-term,  medium-term,  strategic  plan)  of  the
                                  University system in close coordination with the heads of all the operating units of the
                                  university system;
                              4)  develop  and  maintain  a  systematic  system  to  monitor  and  evaluate  the  status  of
                                  implementation of all approved programs, projects and activities of the    University, and
                              5)  perform other tasks as directed by higher authorities.

                         b)  Project Development Section which shall perform the following functions:

                              1)  initiate the identification of programs in instruction, research, extension, and resource
                                  generation which have potential for external funding;
                              2)  assist in developing manpower capability of the different campuses of the university in
                                  packaging proposals for internal and external funding, and
                              3)  perform other tasks as directed by higher authorities.

                         c)  Monitoring and Evaluation Section which shall perform the following functions:

                              1)  establish a workable university monitoring and evaluation system (M & E);
                              2)  regularly conduct monitoring and evaluation of university operation;
                              3)  provide the university management with periodic updates on the result of M & E activities;
                              4)  recommend changes in the university operating policies based on the result of M & E
                                  activities; and
                              5)  perform other tasks as directed by higher authorities.

                Section 1.h. The Management Information System (MIS)

                      The Management Information System (MIS).  Headed by a University Director, the MIS shall have the
                 primary function of establishing and maintaining a workable computer-based university information system
                 designed  to  provide  timely  information  that  (a)  are  vital  for  effective  performance  of  the  university’s
                 managerial functions such as planning, organizing, leading, and control, and (b) support the operations,
                 management, and decision functions of the university.  Specifically, MIS shall perform the following functions:
                         1)  spearhead the collection, transmittal, processing, and storage of relevant, accurate, reliable,
                            and useable information on the university’s resources, programs, and accomplishments;
                         2)  ensure that the management and other personnel within the university are provided with up-to-
                            date information useable at all levels of management (i.e. strategic, tactical, and operational
                         3)  maintain  a  data  bank/library  for  properly  collected,  organized,  and  indexed  information  in
                            accordance with the requirements of the university system;
                         4)  keep the archived information as current as possible;

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