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c)  Museum Section which shall perform the function of:
                         1)  collecting,  documenting  and  preserving  material  evidence  and  indigenous,  existing  and
                             emerging culture.

           Section 20. The National Service Training Program (NSTP).  The National Service Training Program (NSTP) shall
                        be headed by a University Director directly reporting to the Office of the Vice President for Academic
                        and Related Affairs (VP-ARA)

                              It shall function in accordance with the policies established by the provisions of Republic Act
                      9163 otherwise known as the “National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001.” It shall have
                      the following program components as embodied in RA 9163: (a)Reserve Officers Training Corps
                      (ROTC) which he designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate,
                      train,  organize  and  mobilize  them  for  national  defense  preparedness,  (b)  Civic  Welfare  Training
                      Service (CWTS) which refers to activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life
                      for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to
                      improving  health,  education,  environment,  entrepreneurship,  safety,  recreation  and  moral  of  the
                      citizenry and other social welfare services, (c) Literacy Training Service (LTS) which is designed to
                      train the students to teach literacy and numeric skills to school children, out-of-school youth and other
                      segments of society in need of their services.

           Section 21. Health Services. Health Services shall be headed by a University Director, and shall cause/direct
                      planning, implementing and regular evaluating of health services programs and activities.  The sections
                      under  the  Office  of  the  Health  Services  are  as  follows:  (1)  Medical  Services  Section  which  is
                      responsible in providing medical services to students, faculty, officials and employees of the University;
                      and (2) Dental Services Section which is responsible in providing dental services to students, faculty,
                      officials and employees of the University.

           Section 22. Training Institute. Training Institute shall be headed by a University Director.


           Section 1. The Vice-President for Research and Development, Extension and Training (VP-RDET) who is under
                      the direct supervision of the University President shall supervise the management of research and
                      development, extension and training programs and projects of the university.
                  The Office of the VP-RDET shall be composed of the following sections:

                       1)  Research and Development (R&D);
                       2)  Extension and Training (E&T); and
                       3)  Knowledge and Technology Management (KTM).

           Section 2. Research and Development Section. This Office shall be headed by a University Director and shall be
                     composed of the following sections: (a) Integrated Agriculture and Natural Resources R&D and (b)
                     Advanced Science and Technology R&D and all Centers related to   R&D.

                      This section shall perform the following functions:

                    1)  formulate and recommend a well-organized and directed program of the University R&D;
                    2)  provide leadership and direction in the development, evaluation, and institutional-level management
                        of the R&D Department;

                           16 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area X: The Administration/Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration
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