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Section 2.3. Supply and Property Section. This shall be responsible in the safekeeping and inventory of
supplies and properties of the university particularly on the following: (a) inspecting of deliveries;
(b) storekeeping; (c) buying & property controlling; (d) requisitioning; (e) issuing and recording
of supplies, equipment and books; (f) checking contract papers and proposals, (g) canvassing,
(h) purchasing, procuring and distributing, (i) periodic inventory; and (j) records and disposal.
Section 2.4. Procurement Section. This shall be responsible in the procurement of supplies and properties
of the university particularly on the following: (a) requisitioning; (b) checking contract papers
and proposals; (c) canvassing; (d) purchasing, procuring & distributing; and (e) inspecting of
Section 3. Finance Services shall supervise and coordinate the finance services of the University; formulate and
recommend a well-organized and directed program of the finance services which include accounting,
budgeting, and cashiering, Responsible in allocating and managing the University’s financial resources
through a systematic and organized process of recording, examining and interpreting financial records
and reports.
Section 3.1. Accounting Section. This shall be responsible in coordinating with the accountants of the
different campuses regarding accounting transactions. It is concerned with the following
activities/functions: bookkeeping, processing and liquidating cash advances, vouchers,
financial records and student accounts.
Section 3.2. Budget Section. Shall be responsible in supervising and coordinating with the budget officers
of all campuses regarding budgeting activities; spearheads the preparation and examination
of budget requests and utilization of funds, allocation and justification of funds for the
different programs, projects and activities of the University, and preparation of budget
summary which is the outcome of a budgeting process on two levels: campus level and
University level. Budgeting in the campus level reflects the program allocation and priorities
set by the university during budget planning. The Budgeting process in the University level
shall be undertaken in consultation with the different Executive Officers and Campus
Administrators who will present and defend their respective budget proposals before the
University Budget Committee headed by the University President. The consolidated
university budget under the national subsidy (General Appropriations Act) shall be submitted
and shall be defended by the University President to the BOR for endorsement by CHED to
the Regional DBM office. The internally generated income (Supplemental Budget) sourced
from tuition fees and other school fees shall be submitted and defended by the University
President to the BOR for its approval for utilization in consonance to RA 8292.
Section 3.3. Cash Section. It is composed of three (3) sub-sections namely: (a) checks preparation section
and (b) collection, and (c) disbursement section. The cash section shall be responsible in
coordinating the cashiering activities with the cashiers of the different campuses. It is
concerned with the following activities/functions: maintain of checking account; collecting
and disbursing; and safe-keeping of money and financial records. The cash section in the
campus level shall be responsible in the collection of income and disbursement of funds in
the campus/unit.
Sources of Income of the University:
1) National Subsidy
2) Internally-generated income:
a) Tuition and other school fees
b) Revolving funds/business operations
19 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area X: The Administration/Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration