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By establishing equivalency competence standards and a comprehensive assessment system employing
           written  tests,  interview,  skills  demonstration  and  other  creative  assessment  methodologies,  deputized  higher
           education institutions may administer competency-based evaluation.

           Section 17. The Office of Student Services.  This office shall be headed by a University Director and shall consist
                      of the following sections, namely: (1) Student Services (2) Library (3) Socio-cultural Affairs (4) Sports.

                    1)  The Student Services shall implement all programs and activities such as counseling, placement,
                        student organization, housing, publication, scholarship, and other services related to student welfare.

                    2)  The  Library  Services  shall  be  headed  by  the  University  Librarian  who  shall  be  responsible  in
                        formulating and executing a well-organized and directed program for the Library. It shall constitute
                        two  operating  sections,  namely;  1)  Readers  Section  which  is  composed  of  serials,  circulation,
                        references  and  reserves  and  2)  Technical  Services  Section,  which  shall  be  in  charge  of  book
                        selection and acquisitions, maintenance and organization of library collections.
                    3)  The Socio-cultural Services shall be headed by a University Director who shall be responsible in
                        formulating, recommending and executing a well-organized and directed program of socio-cultural
                        services in line with the goals and objectives of the University and who shall supervise and monitor
                        a  year-round  socio-cultural  development  program;  and  selection  and  retention  of  socio-cultural
                    4)  The Sports Services shall be headed by a University Director and shall be responsible in formulating,
                        recommending and executing a well-organized and directed program of sports activities and services
                        in line with the goals and objectives of the University; supervises and monitors a year-round sports
                        development; and selection and retention of athletic scholars.

           Section 18. The Admission and Registration. This office shall be headed by a University Registrar and shall be
                      responsible in implementing policies, rules and regulations governing student admission, registration,
                      retention and transfer and other academic matters; and shall keep systematic student records in the
                      university system.

           Section 19. Culture and the Arts Center
                      The Culture and the Arts Center shall be headed by a University Director who shall perform the
               following functions:
                    1)  oversee the planning, implementation and evaluation of the University System’s cultural plan;
                    2)  assist concerned colleges/campuses of the  University in organizing/packaging programs/project
                        proposals for internal and/or external funding, and
                    3)  establish  linkages  with  local,  national  and  international  agencies  for  culture  based
                        The Culture and Arts Center shall be composed of 3 sections:

                    a)  Socio Cultural Section which shall perform the function of:
                         1)  promoting  the  Cagayan  Valley  Culture  through  performances,  exhibits,  conferences,
                             seminars, symposium, faculty and student exchange.

                    b)  Socio Cultural Research Section which shall perform the following functions:
                         1)  conduct multi-disciplinary research on indigenous, existing and emerging cultures, and
                         2)  service/cater the needs of curricular programs and the different colleges which are related to
                             culture, research and development.

                           15 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area X: The Administration/Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration
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