Page 18 - BPA-Area 10 PPP_Neat
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3) spearhead the development of policies relating to the conduct of R&D enhancement program;
4) prepare and administer the budget for the R&D Department;
5) make recommendations on all personnel actions within the R&D Department;
6) review and recommend approval of all R&D proposals for external funding routed through the
Department for approval and endorsement by the Office of the President;
7) coordinate with other University programs and related agencies for program/agency
complementation and efficient and optimum utilization of resources, and
8) perform other related tasks as directed.
Section 3. Extension and Training. This Office shall be headed by a University Director and shall be composed of
the following sections: (a) Community Outreach, (b) Applied Communications, and (c) Technology
Transfer/Dissemination and Communication.
This section shall perform the following functions:
1) formulate and recommend a well-organized and directed program of the University extension and
training program;
2) assist the different units of the University (e.g. campuses, colleges, and offices) and other agencies
outside the institution in cultivating social responsibility among the members of the ISU community;
3) oversee the development of social awareness in the ISU community through active participation in
programs and projects;
4) spearhead the harnessing of the potentials, strengthening the capabilities and developing the
competencies of the partner communities;
5) enhance the transfer of established “research and development” (R&D) results in response to the
priority needs of the partner communities;
6) empower people through the promotion of community-based organizations;
7) promote equal access to information and services through deliberate social marketing strategies and
innovative and sustained advocacy;
8) serve as linkage between the university and the community on extension related activities;
9) conduct special community development program and projects;
10) conduct trainings, seminars, forums, symposia, and conferences on skills and technology promotion
and utilization, especially along the fields of: (a) livelihood opportunities, (b) community organizing
(C.O.) and development (C.D.), and (c) other concerns for human development;
11) promote/market established research and development (R&D) results, especially those developed
by the University, through: (a) demonstration activities, (b) pilot and pre-tests of skills and
technologies, (c) distribution and production of development materials, such as pamphlets, leaflets,
modules, magazines, and (d) other forms of development communication techniques;
12) conduct special community development program and projects;
13) implement extension cum research activities aimed to improve extension services delivery;
14) document, assess, monitor, and evaluate extension and outreach activities for comprehensive data
management and analysis as well as for input to planning;
15) coordinate with other University programs and related agencies for program/agency
complementation and efficient and optimum utilization of resources, and
16) perform other related tasks as directed.
Section 4. Knowledge and Technology Management Section. This Office shall be headed by a University Director
and shall be composed of the following sections: (a) Training, (b) Intellectual Property Rights, and (c)
Professional Services.
This section shall perform the following functions:
17 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area X: The Administration/Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration