Page 42 - Parameter A_Priorities and Relevance_Neat
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Majority of our faculty researchers have published papers and or research outputs in Peer-
              Reviewed and Refereed Journals. In the course of time, many of them have been accorded numerous

              awards and accolades, for their outstanding works and breakthroughs in local and international fora.

                 ISU is consistently a favored recipient of local and external funds granted by various generous
              agencies for its projects, and support for paper presentation abroad and publication in refereed

              journals. Incentives earmarked for researchers also are well-established.

                 The University is steadily increasing its engagements and linkages, both local and international, to
              various institutions, including numerous universities encompassing all fields of specialization. Trainings

              designed for research capability-building are regularly conducted. Research performance is one of the
              major criteria in SUC levelling, in the accreditation of our programs, and its contribution to
              Performance- Based Bonus (PBB) eligibility.

                 Consistent with our desire for further advancement, we intend to upgrade our Research and
              Development capabilities through activities that will motivate and enhance the involvement of more
              faculty in research with the end in view that the outputs will have interfacing and complementary

              impact in instruction and in order to enrich our educational programs. We aim to capacitate more of
              our students, faculty and staff, imbibe in them creativity, innovativeness and entrepreneurial

                     We will continue to pursue knowledge-based and products development as results of

              researches and breakthroughs in science and technology, engineering, agriculture, ecology, culture and
              the arts for environmental protection, progressive industry, human development and sustainable

                     All these initiatives are geared toward enhancing our stature as a research-based University in
              the country, significantly making an impact to the society we serve, and elevating us even more to
              international prominence.


              The strategic objectives of the University’s Research & Development are aimed to accomplish the
              following by 2024:
                 2.1 To increase research capability and output by 100% from 50% following 6Ps and S&E
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