Page 43 - Parameter A_Priorities and Relevance_Neat
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2.2. To make all the 25 University Research Centers fully operational and are actively pursuing
                    research from the current 5
                 3. To achieve 100% involvement of all plantilla faculty from 50% as researchers

                 4. To publish 20 Research-based paper in International Refereed Journal or publication
                 5. To publish 20 Research-based paper in Refereed Journal accredited by CHED
                 6. To increase publication to 28% of research-based paper presented in international/national

                 7. To attain a total number of 500 research-based paper cited by other researchers in Refereed
                    international of national journals
                 8. To undertake 30 research outputs/inventions patented/and or commercialized
                 9. To produce 25 inventions not patented but utilized by the local community

                 10. To strengthen and sustain the implementation of policies on incentives and awards for

                     R&D activities and outputs

                 11. To conduct Regular M&E for approved research projects and provide and sustain
                     impact assessment (IA) and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of all R & D programs

              R & D Strategies:

                 ▪  Develop enabling policies to strengthen existing R & D centers
                 ▪  Ensure active involvement of students and other stakeholders in the formulation of R & D
                 ▪  Effect quarterly research workshops
                 ▪  Conduct regular planning and agenda setting, capacity-building activities for faculty
                    researchers, and agency in-house reviews

                 ▪  Strengthen student research in all levels
                 ▪  Recruitment of the best and the brightest researchers
                 ▪  Strengthen R & D instruction and entrepreneurship interface
                 ▪  Provision/creation of additional plantilla position for research office

                 ▪  Enhance capability to publish scientific/technical papers vis-à-vis increase number of citations
                 ▪  Strengthen partnerships/linkages with local, national and international research institutions
                    and industries
                 ▪  Provide substantialsupport to faculty and staff attending scientific fora/training and
                    conferences locally and abroad

                 ▪  Prepare and submit R & D proposals to various funding agencies
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