Page 8 - OED Bonnington Handbook 2019
P. 8

Bonington Alumni Development Programme
Leadership Masterclass: Leading in in an Externally Hostile Environment
24th May 2019
Contributor: Professor Professor Shearer Shearer West
Professor Professor Shearer Shearer Shearer West
is is the the seventh Vice-Chancellor
and and President of of of of of of the the University of of of of of of Nottingham Shearer Shearer is is is a a a a a a a a a a Professor of of of of of Art History and and and has held a a a a a a a a a a a number of of of of of significant
leadership roles in in in universities and and and higher education She obtained her her her B A A A degree in in in in in in Art Art History and and and and English at at the College of William and and and Mary in in in in in Virginia and and and her her Ph D in in in in in Art Art History at St Andrews She worked as an an an editor for for the Grove Dictionary of of Art before taking up her first academic
post in in in art art history at the the the the University University of of of of of Leicester In 1996 Shearer moved to to to the the the the University University of of of of of of of of Birmingham as Head Head Head of of of of of of of of the the the the the the History of of of of of of of of Art Art Department then Head Head Head of of of of of of of of the the the the the the School of of of of of of Historical Studies and and Acting Head Head Head of of of of of of the the the College of of of of of of Arts and and Law She She was was awarded a a a a a a a a a a a personal chair in in in 2000 In 2008 Shearer was was appointed Director Director of Research Research Research Research at the the Arts and Humanities Research Research Research Research Council Council where she also chaired the the the Research Research Research Research Directors Group for for Research Research Research Research Councils UK She was appointed Head of of the the the the the Humanities Humanities Division at Oxford Oxford in in in 2011 where she oversaw the the the the the the launch of of the the the the the the Oxford Oxford Research Centre in in in in the the the the the the Humanities Humanities Humanities (TORCH) and and the the the the the the Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme
in in in the the the the the the Humanities Humanities She She was appointed Provost and and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
at at the the the University of Sheffield in 2015 Shearer has authored and and and and edited many many articles and and and and nine books including Portraiture The visual arts in in in in in in in Germany 1897-1940: Utopia and and and and and Despair and and and and and Fin De De Siecle: Art Art and and and and and society in in in in in an an an an an an an age of of of uncertainty She is is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Fellow of of of the the the Royal Royal Society Society of of of Arts the the the Higher Education Academy and and and the the the Royal Royal Historical Society Society and and and has has held two visiting Fellowships at at at at Yale University Shearer also has has a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a number of international roles most recently acting as as as main panel chair for for the the the national national research assessment exercise for for Humanities in in in in in in in in in Norway and serving on on the the the the steering group to to introduce impact into the the the the Excellence in in in in in in in Research (ERA) exercise in in in in in in in Australia She has has also represented the the the the the UK on the the the the the the Science Europe Humanities Scientific Committee and and and and has has been a a a a a a a a a a a a a a jurist for the the the the the the Spinoza Prize in in in the the the the the the Netherlands and and and and the the the the the the Odysseus and and and and Solvay prizes in in in Belgium as as well as as an an an an Advisory Board member for the the the the the Social Sciences Faculty of of the the the the the University of Vienna Shearer grew up up in in in in a a a a a a a a a a a a a a small town in in in in southwest Virginia where her her her her her her father was was a a a a a a a a a a a a a a factory floor supervisor and mother a a a a a a a a a a a a a a high school teacher She She was was the the the first in in in in her her her her her her family to to to attend University As aspiring leaders keep abreast of Lancaster’s institutional priorities:
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