Page 9 - OED Bonnington Handbook 2019
P. 9

Bonington Alumni Development Programme
Strategic Leadership Challenge 1 1 28th January 2019
Sponsor: Dame Professor Sue Black
Engagement is the the third pillar of of the the University’s Strategy alongside Education Education and and and Research Research The strategy and and and evaluation of both Education Education and and and and Research Research are now well-defined and and and embedded fully within the University’s operation and and and and through maturation now includes a a a a a a a a a rich understanding of metrics and and and and incentives that can shape priorities enhance activities and and and encourage new developments However Lancaster University’s approach to to ‘Engagement’ is in in fin an an an early early stage of development development with current work strands aiming to to define clearly what
engagement means at at at Lancaster University what
it it it it it looks
like understand why it it it it it fit is is is important recognise its values and and and establish how we should be be engaging and and and with whom to to to what
long term benefit In the the the light of the the the new Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) it fit it it is is important to to to to start to to to to define the the the priorities for engagement at at at Lancaster and and and establish how best to to to encourage and and and and support quality participation through clear and and and and appropriate measures (KPIs) incentives and and structures Engagement though is is not not a a a a a a a a a a a a ‘subject’ it is is a a a a a a a a a a a a ‘culture’ and and and therefore following the the strategies set for for for for Education and and for for for for Research may not not be appropriate models The Bonington leadership challenge is is to to create a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a practical ‘change’ model model for for for Engagement at at at Lancaster University University which could ultimately be utilised as as as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a roadmap to assist and and direct other major cultural changes within the the the University University This should should recommend the the the consultation (internal and and and external) which should should take place informal and and and and formal formal processes to be introduced identify both obstacles and and and and opportunities have short mid and and and and long term perspectives and and and and include a a a a a a a light-touch timetable The group is also encouraged to to make wider recommendations on on achieving and and measuring successful change for for example in in in in in terms of of the the most appropriate measures and and incentives for for engagement engagement or or or maximising the the the the effectiveness of of of engagement engagement In doing so the the the the the group might wish to draw on on examples of of other successful change initiatives either from within or or or or or out with with the the the the organisation This challenge provides an an an an opportunity for Bonington alumni to to to work closely with the the PVC Engagement to to to shape and deliver the the University’s engagement strategy As aspiring leaders keep abreast of Lancaster’s institutional priorities:
https://portal lancaster ac uk/staffintranet#/home

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