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Premier Offering of NEW Crosslinkers & Probes with our          dPEG® Based Chemical Modification Reagents
                       Exclusive dPEG® spacers
                                                                  .  Design of cyclometalated iridium(III) polypyridine complexes as luminescent biological labels and probes.
                                                                  Kenneth Kam-Wing Lo, Kenneth Yin Zhang, and Steve Po-Yam Li. Pure Appl. Chem. 2011, 83, (4) pp
                                                                  823–840. February 28, 2011. DOI:10.1351/PAC-CON-10-08-20.
       Greg T. Hermanson, Bioconjugate Techniques, 3rd Edition, Elsevier, Waltham, MA 02451, 2013, ISBN 978-
       0-12-382239-0; See chapter 18, Discrete PEG Reagents, pp.787-821, for a full overview of the dPEG®   .  Increasing pro-survival factors within whole brain tissue of Sprague Dawley rats via intracerebral
                                                                  administration of modified valproic acid. Ryan C. Bates, Bradley J. Stith, and Karen E. Stevens. Journal of
                                                                  Pharmacological Sciences. 2015, 128 (4) pp 193-201. August 1, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.jphs.2015.07.003.
                   Payload Delivery dPEG® Reagents                .  Modification of Luminescent IridiumACHTUNGTRENUNG(III) Polypyridine Complexes with discrete
                                                                  Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) Pendants: Synthesis, Emissive behavior, Intracellular Uptake, and PEGylation
     m-dPEG®x-DSPE                                                Properties. Steve Po-Yam Li, Hua-Wei Liu, Kenneth Yin Zhang, and Kenneth Kam-Wing Lo. Chemistry A
                                                                  European Journal. 2010, 16 (28),  8329 – 8339. July 26, 2010 DOI: 10.1002/chem 201000474.
      . Ligand-targeted liposome design: challenges and fundamental considerations. Gavin T. Noble, Jared F.
       Stefanick, Jonathan D. Ashley, Tanyel Kiziltepe, Basar Bilgicer. Trends in Biotechnology. 2014, 32 (1) pp 32-  Amino-dPEG®x-acid
       45. January 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2013.09.007.
                                                                  .  Improving Tumor Uptake and Pharmacokinetics of 64Cu-Labeled Cyclic RGD Peptide Dimers with Gly3
      . Ligand-targeted liposome design: challenges and fundamental considerations. Gavin T. Noble, Jared F.   and PEG4 Linkers. Jiyun Shi, Young-Seung Kim, Shizhen Zhai, Zhaofei Liu, Xiaoyuan Chen and Shuang Liu.
       Stefanick, Jonathan D. Ashley, Tanyel Kiziltepe, Basar Bilgicer. Trends in Biotechnology. 2014, 32 (1) pp 32-  Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2009, 20 (4) pp 750–759. March 25, 2009. DOI: 10.1021/bc800455p.
       45. January 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2013.09.007.
                                                                  .  Synthesis and Preliminary Biological Evaluation of High-Drug-Load Paclitaxel-Antibody Conjugates for
      .  Ligand-targeted liposome design: challenges and fundamental considerations. Gavin T. Noble, Jared F.   Tumor-Targeted Chemotherapy. Sherly Quiles, Kevin P. Raisch, Leisa L. Sanford, James A. Bonner, and
       Stefanick, Jonathan D. Ashley, Tanyel Kiziltepe, Basar Bilgicer. Trends in Biotechnology. 2014, 32 (1) pp 32-  Ahmad Safavy, J Med. Chem. 2010, 53 (2), pp 586-594. Dec. 3, 2009. DOI: 10.1021/jm900899g.
       45. January 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2013.09.007.
                                                                  .  PEG-Labeled Nucleotides and Nanopore Detection for Single Molecule DNA Sequencing by Synthesis. Shiv
      .  A Systematic Analysis of Peptide Linker Length and Liposomal Polyethylene Glycol Coating on Cellular   Kumar, Chuanjuan Tao, Minchen Chien, Brittney Hellner, Arvind Balijepalli, Joseph W. F. Robertson,
       Uptake of Peptide-Targeted Liposomes. Jared F. Stefanick, Jonathan D. Ashley, Tanyel Kiziltepe, and   Zengmin Li, James J. Russo, Joseph E. Reiner, John J. Kasianowicz & Jingyue Ju. Scientific Reports. 2012,  2
       Basar Bilgicer. ACS Nano. 2013, 7 (4) pp 2935–2947. February 19, 2013. DOI: 10.1021/nn305663e.    (684). September 21, 2012. DOI: 10.1038/srep00684.
      . Enhanced Cellular Uptake of Peptide-Targeted Nanoparticles through Increased Peptide Hydrophilicity   .  Short PEG-Linkers Improve the Performance of Targeted, Activatable Monoclonal Antibody-Indocyanine
       and Optimized Ethylene Glycol Peptide-Linker Length. Jared F. Stefanick, Jonathan D. Ashley, and Basar   Green Optical Imaging Probes. Kohei Sano, Takahito Nakajima, Kiminori Miyazaki, Yuya Ohuchi, Takashi
       Bilgicer.  ACS Nano.  2013, 7 (9) pp 8115–8127. August 29, 2013. DOI: 10.1021/nn4033954.    Ikegami, Peter L. Choyke and Hisataka Kobayashi.  Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2013, 24 (5) pp 811–816.
                                                                  April 22, 2013. DOI: 10.1021/bc400050k.
                                                                  .  PEG-Labeled Nucleotides and Nanopore Detection for Single Molecule DNA Sequencing by Synthesis. Shiv
                                                                  Kumar, Chuanjuan Tao, Minchen Chien, Brittney Hellner, Arvind Balijepalli, Joseph W. F. Robertson,
                                                                  Zengmin Li, James J. Russo, Joseph E. Reiner3, John J. Kasianowicz & Jingyue Ju. Scientific Reports. 2012, 2
                                                                  (684), September 21, 2012. DOI: 10.1038/srep00684.
                                                                  .  Antistaphylococcal Nanocomposite Films Based on Enzyme-Nanotube Conjugates. Ravindra C. Pangule,
                                                                  Sarah J. Brooks, Cerasela Zoica Dinu, Shyam Sundhar Bale, Sharon L. Salmon, Guangyu Zhu, Dennis W.
                                                                  Metzgeter, Ravi S. Kane, and Jonathan S. Dordick. ACS Nano. 2010, 4 (7), pp 3993–4000. July 6, 2010.
                                                                  DOI: 10.1021/nn100932t.
                                                                  .  Synthesis Strategies for Highly Functional Enzyme-based Conjugates. Alan S Campbell, Chenbo Dong,
                                                                  Fanke Meng, Jeremy Hardinger, Gabriela C Perhinschi, Nianqiang Wu, and Cerasela Zoica Dinu. ACS
                                                                  Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2014, 6 pp 5393-5403. March 25, 2014. DOI:
                                                                  .  Bionanoconjugate-based composites for decontamination of nerve agents. Indrakant V.Borkar, Cerasela
                                                                  Zoica Dinu, Guangyu Zhu, Ravi S. Kane, and Jonathan S. Dordick. Biotechnology Progress. 2010, 26 (6) pp
                                                                  1622-1628. September 21, 2010. DOI: 10.1002/btpr.498.
                                                                  .  Enzyme-Based Nanoscale Composites Composites for Use as Active Decontamination Surfaces. Cerasela
                                                                  Zoica Dinu, Guangyu Zhu, Shyam Sundhar Bale, Gaurav Anand, Philippa J. Reeder, Karl Sanford, Gregg
                                                                  Whited, Ravi S. Kane, and Jonathan S. Dordick. Advance Fuctional Materials. 2010, 20 (3), pp  392-398.
                                                                  February 8, 2010.  DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200901388.
                                                                  .  Immobilized molecular beacons: A new strategy using UV-activated poly(methyl methacrylate) surfaces
                                                                  to provide large fluorescence sensitivities for reporting on molecular association events. Catherine
                                                                  Situma, Amanda J. Moehring, Mohamed A.F. Noor, Steven A. Soper. Elsevier, Analytical Biochemistry.
                                                                  2007, 363 (1), pp 35-45, April 1, 2007. DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2006.12.029.
                                                                  .  Sequence-Defined Oligoamide Drug Conjugates of Pretubulysin and Methotrexate for Folate Receptor
                                                                  Targeted Cancer Therapy. Ines Truebenbach, Jan Gorges, Jasmin Kuhn, Sarah Kern, Emanuele Baratti, Uli
                                                                  Kazmaier, Ernst Wagner, and Ulrich Lachelt. Macromolecular Bioscience. 2017, pp 1-12. March 30, 2017.
                                                                  DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201600520.
                                                                  .  Proton-sponge activity and receptor-targeting of sequence-defined nucleic acid carriers. Ulrich Benjamin
                                                                  Lachelt. October 21, 2014.
                                                                  .  Perhydrolase-nanotube paint composites with sporicidal and antiviral activity. Navdeep Grover, Marc P.
                                                                  Douaisi, Indrakant V. Borkar, Lillian Lee, Cerasela Zoica Dinu, Ravi S. Kane, Jonathan S. Dordick.  Applied
                                                                  Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2013, 97 (19), pp 8813-8821. October 1, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s00253-
                                                                  .  Development of a sensitive surface Plasmon resonance immunosensor for detection of 2, 4-
                                                                  dinitrotoluene with a novel oligo (ethylene glycol)-based sensor surface. Kazutaka Nagatomo, Toshikazu
                                                                  Kawaguchi, Norio Miura, Kiyoshi Toko, Kiyoshi Matsumoto. Elsevier, Talanta. 2009, 79 (4), pp 1142-1148.
                                                                  September 15, 2009.  DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2009.02.018.
                                                                  .  Microwave-Mediated Synthesis of Labeled Nucleotides with Utility in the Synthesis of DNA Probes. Mark
                                                                  Lefever, Jerome W. Kosmeder, II, Michael Farrell, and Christopher Bieniarz. Bioconjugate Chemistry.
                                                                  2010, 21 (10) pp 1773–1778. September 2, 2010. DOI: 10.1021/bc100013b.
                                                                  .  Carboxyl-Terminated Dendrimer-Coated Bioactive Interface for Protein Microarray: High-Sensitivity
                                                                  Detection of Antigen in Complex Biological Samples. Parayil Kumaran Ajikumar, Jin Kiat Ng, Yew Chung
                                                                  Tang, Jim Yang Lee, Gregory Stephanopoulos, and Heng-Phon Too. Langmuir. 2007, 23 (10) pp
                                                                  5670–5677. March 28, 2007. DOI: 10.1021/la063717u.
                                                                  .  Improving Tumor-Targeting Capability and Pharmacokinetics of 99mTc-Labeled Cyclic RGD Dimers with
                                                                  PEG4 Linkers. Lijun Wang, Jiyun Shi, Young-Seung Kim, Shizhen Zhai, Bing Jia, Huiyun Zhao, Zhaofei Liu,
                                                                  Fan Wang, Xiaoyuan Chen and Shuang Liu. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2009, 6 (1) pp 231–245. December
                                                                  9, 2008. DOI: 10.1021/mp800150r.
                                                                  .  Influence of Different Spacers on the Biological Profile of a DOTA-Somatostatin Analogue. Patricia
                                                                  Antunes, Mihaela Ginj, Martin A. Walter, Jianhua Chen, Jean-Claude Reubi, and Helmut R. Maecke.
                                                                  Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2007, 18 (1) pp 84–92. December 15, 2006. DOI: 10.1021/bc0601673.
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