Page 35 - NISV Year Book 2018-19
P. 35

Top Row (L to R) : Svara Goradia(Inset), Yuvaansh Shah, Vivaan Retarekar, Arsalan Rathod, Darsh Thakkar, Pradhyumna Kankar, Rishaan
                  Ginwalla, Veer Nidadavolu, Kahaan Jhaveri, Ms. Karuna Bhansali, Pranaaya Shah(Inset)
                  Middle Row (L to R) : Ms. Kirti Birla, Samik Patel, Sanaya Gandhi, Aarna Choudhary, Atharva Mittal, Yahvi Ladla, Divam Shah, Nehaan
                 Chokshi, Ms. Purna Ganesh
                 Bottom Row (L to R) : Aria Jayakumar, Naavya Shah, Riva Trivedi, Rhyna Patel, Ms. Viraaj Jhaveri, Ayaan Khan Pathan, Ranvita Virani,
                 Pritha Shah, Dhwani Makwana

                 Prep Junior B

                 Grade Tutor
                                                               A bunch of mischievous, clever, creative and enthusiastic students explored
                                                               their learning and enhanced their knowledge during the academic year 2018-
                                                               19. They got various opportunities and hand-on experiences through POI units
                                                               to showcase their talent and developed thinking, social and communication
                                                               skills in their early years. It was a big achievement for them reading and framing
                                                              sentences using three letter words and sight words. Also, holding the pencil for
                                                              the first time, making different patterns & numbers, writing letters, taking part
                                                              in  Annual  concert,  world  animal  day,  Group  dance  and  Sport  day  was  an
                                                              amazing experience for the children to grow and develop their motor skills. We
                                                              felt like understanding each student better and better, as we progressed in the
                   Karuna Bhansali           Kirti Birla      program. We wish them good luck & success in their future endeavors.

          “Never memorize something that you can look up.”                                                                       034
          - Albert Einstein
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