Page 31 - NISV Year Book 2018-19
P. 31
Top Row (L to R) : Ms. Tanvi Vinod, Janaki Chitre, Pranaaya Singh, Mariam Memon, Chaarvi Sharma, Rajveer Ladia, Shanay Sheth, Naksh
Patel, Pranshu Agrawal, Jayneel Patel, Ms. Mugdha Bankapur.
Middle Row (L to R) : Ms. Kritika Patel, Kiyaan Patel, Aarav Joshi, Pranil Patel, Agastya Pasale, Yuval Shah, Abir Vasavada, Aadit Jain,
Musab Khan Pathan, Ms. Purna Ganesh
Bottom Row (L to R) : Dhanishka Patel, Sukruti Sharma, Swara Agrawal, Ananya Velaga, Ms. Viraaj Jhaveri, Aarvi Shah, Suhani Jadeja,
Bhumi Diyalani, Misheeta Rai.
Nursery B
Grade Tutor
The year rolled by with lots of exciting happenings and hands on experience.
The tiny tots of Nursery B gradually blossomed throughout the year. It was
satisfying to nurture and guide them to build self-confidence. Students
participated in all activities enthusiastically. It was a lovely experience working
with these tiny tots and exploring new things with them and I shall always
cherish the fond memories I shared with all the students.
Mugdha Bankapur Tanvi Vinod
“Rockets are cool. There's no getting around that.” 030
- Elon Musk