Page 29 - NISV Year Book 2018-19
P. 29

House of Seekers

                  The  main  purpose  of  a  team  is  to  have  a
                  common goal and combine every resource to
                  achieve it together, successfully. The House of
                  Seekers as a strong team left not a single stone
                  unturned in their joint effort, and bagged the
                  “Best House Trophy” as well as the “Champion
                  House Trophy” for the academic year 2018-19.
                 Heartiest Congratulations to the entire Seekers
                 team  for  their  commendable  achievements!
                 What I believe is that “Every child is unique and a
                 great  performer.  If  everyone  in  the  team  is
                 moving  forward  together,  then  success  takes
                 care of itself and that is what gives us strength
                 and confidence to work towards our goals and
                 achievements”. Life full of bright opportunities
                 and lots of success in waiting is sure to tint their
                 future endeavors.

                 Deepa Chellani - House In-charge

                                                                                 House of Venturers

                                                                                 The Venturers have been a very creative and dynamic
                                                                                 house  this  year  with  Shree  Patel  and  Shivam  Patel
                                                                                 leading them. From the unexpectedly commendable
                                                                                 performance in the march past during the sports day
                                                                                 showcasing unity, perseverance and team-spirit, to the
                                                                                 collaboration  and  innovative  thinking  during  the
                                                                                 bulletin  board  decoration,  they  have  truly  grown
                                                                                 together  as  a  group.  Exchanging  and  expressing
                                                                                 interesting  ideas  during  debates  and  speeches,  and
                                                                                 planning  an  entire  theatrical  production  during  the
                                                                                 house activity – with script writing, stage decoration
                                                                                 and performances – they inspired themselves to take
                                                                                 on the challenges, and solve them, learning important
                                                                                 life skills together in the process.

                                                                                 Dr. Trushna Kapadia - House in charge

         “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity;                                                             028
         and I'm not sure about the universe.” - Albert Einstein
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