Page 25 - NISV Year Book 2018-19
P. 25

Investiture Ceremony

                  The  Investiture  Ceremony  of  NISV,
                  presided by the Principal, Mr. Theophane
                  Dsouza, and attended by parents, staff and
                  students,  was  conducted  with  great
                 solemnity on 13th July 2019, in the school
                 quadrangle. The old council handed over
                 the  charge  symbolically  by  handing  over
                 the School Flag and House Flags to their
                 successors.  The  leaders,  Head  boys  -
                 Prakhar  Deep  Khare  (CBSE)  Devbrat
                 Hariyani  (IB)Head  Girls  –  Sia  Shah  (IB)
                 Aahana Arora (CBSE)   and the appointed
                 student council members were conferred
                 their  badges  and  sashes.  The  student
                 council  took  the  pledge  to  uphold  the
                 school  motto  and  to  carry  out  their
                 responsibilities with utmost zeal.

          “You cannot teach a man anything;                                                                                      024
          you can only help him discover it in himself.” - Galileo
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