Page 20 - NISV Year Book 2018-19
P. 20

Faculty at NISV


                                 Carlos      "During this past academic year we have been facing the challenges of an online educational world
                                 Bernal      that  is  leaning  towards  Artificial  Intelligence,  Mobile  Apps  and  Web-based  solutions.  This  has
                                 B. Sc. (Info.  encouraged us, as educators, to continue investing in our Professional Development regarding these
                                 Sys. Admin.)  topics and  include them in our classes. We are looking forward to continue learning and using the
                                 IT          new tools available in the coming year."

                                 Deepa                      Leenata                     Poonam                     Shubhada
                                 Chellani                   Paranjape                   Sonkar                     Vaidya
                                 B.Sc., MDIT,               B.Sc.,                      B.Sc.,                     B.Sc.(H.Sc.),
                                 B.Ed., Java                B.Ed.,                      PGDCA,                     HSM
                                 Prof. Web                  PGDCA                       MCA

                                 PGDCA, MCA

                 Visual Arts

                                 Subha De    Art is an important element in the PYP, MYP, DP, IGCSE and CBSE syllabus. Art in NISV implements
                                 M.A. Fine   essential  skills  which  enables  students  to  become  stronger  and  more  self-regulated  learner.
                                 Arts        Curriculums emphasize on understanding of art concepts and skill building to communicate the
                                 HOD -       experience of  exploration and  understanding. This year special attention was paid to develop their
                                 Visual Art  critical thinking and reflective skills.

                                 Atul                       Bhavini                     Kavitha                    Varun
                                 Mahajan                    Tadi                        Ganesh                     Cursetji
                                 PGD                        M.F.A,                      BFA,                       BVA,
                                 Sculpture                                              B1 German                  MA(Applied Arts)

          “The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it,                                                        019
          but the way those atoms are put together.” - Carl Sagan
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