Page 24 - NISV Year Book 2018-19
P. 24

Faculty at NISV

                 Administration Team

                                 I. P. Joshi     By its nature itself, the admin team is the one which initiates the task, collaborates, reconciles and
                                 M.A.        then remain involved till the very end as a cohesive unit. New class rooms, a multi-purpose hall have
                                  Diploma -   been added and an elevator erected in the school. The student enrollment has crossed 1500 this year.
                                             Some new members have joined the team as replacements but they have settled well in the team.

                                 Ashima                     Ashish                      Chintan                    Darshana
                                 Singh                      Muley                       Bhavsar                    Thaker
                                 B.Com.                     B.Com.,                     BCA, MCP,                  BBA, MBA,
                                                            MBA                         JCHNP                      DCSA

                                 Krinjal                    Paresh                      Satprit                    Vipul
                                 Patel                      Thakar                      Kaur                       Patel
                                 DHM                        B.Com.,                     B.Com.,                    H.Sc
                                                            DCA                         MBA

                 Infirmary                                              Catering Services

                                 Madhu                      Nirmala                     Seema
                                 Bob                        Parmar                      Gupta
                                 GN                         GN                          B.A.

                 Liason & Estate                                        Maintenance

                                 Hitesh                                                 Trushit
                                 Bhatt                                                  Vaidya
                                 I.T.I.                                                 Wireman Cert.

          “Bad times have a scientific value.                                                                                    023
          These are occasions a good learner would not miss.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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