Page 39 - inggris w x modul_Neat
P. 39
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas X
Criteria to be assessed Yes No
5. Has my friend used the correct past tenses in
his/her writing ?
6. Did he/she use the correct punctuation and
capitalization and correct spelling ?
Rubric writing for Historical Recount Text
Criteria to be Excellent Very Good Quite Good Poor
assessed 100-91 90-81 71- 80 70 - 61
Recount very well very well structure was Very
Structure structured structured but inconsistent, inconsistent
and contents content is not one element use of the
are clearly clearly is missing recount
defined defined a little structure.
Past Tense Consistent 1-2 errors in 3-4 errors in More than 5
Language use of Past use of Past use of Past errors in use
Tense Tense Tense of Past Tense
Language. Language. Language. Language
Spelling and No spelling or 1-5 spelling 6-15 spelling More than 15
Punctuation punctuation or or spelling or
errors. punctuation punctuation punctuation
errors. errors. errors
Presentation Very Neat Neat Neat Inconsistent
handwriting handwriting handwriting, handwriting
Very Well laid Well laid out but Poorly laid
out sometimes out - difficult
inconsistent. to follow.
Basic lay-out
-better use of
Passing Grade: 75
Now, you are going to retell your text orally. Use the following plan to present
your historical recount. Use your whatsApp voice note to do it.
Jika kalian tidak bias menggunakan WhatsApp, konsultasikan dengan guru