Page 43 - inggris w x modul_Neat
P. 43

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

                      ◆  Quotation marks

                         They enclose the actual words of direct speech.
                         e.g.  : He said, “Why did you do that?”

                      ◆  Exclamation mark
                         It  is  not  often  used.  It  is  usually  used  after  real  exclamations  and

                         sometimes later after short commands.
                            e.g.  : Oh dear! Get out!

                  F.  Refleksi

                  Agar  pembelajaran  semakin  menyenangkan  dan  memotivasi  kalian,  mari

                  berefleksi tentang aktivitas pembelajaran kali ini.

                  Put  a  check  (√)  under  one  of  the  pictures  which  indicate  your  feeling  after

                  learning this lesson!

                  What’s on your mind?

                  Write your questions or opinion about whole activities and materials of this lesson.

                              I believe..…………………………………….

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