Page 19 - MAJALAH MATA EDISI 39 _Neat
P. 19





       "This Felt Fast, didn't it?"
               December days were like soggy socks for Lim,       It was like dancing on roller skates blindfolded,
         sticking to him and leaving him feeling cold and    orders  flying  past  his  ears  like  runaway  pigeons
         damp.  His  insurance  job,  once  shiny  and       and milk frothing like a grumpy cat in a bath. But
         promising  like  a  new  bike,  now  felt  rusty  and  he stuck with it, pouring coffee, wiping tables, and
         creaky,  its  chrome  dulled  by  the  daily  grind.  His  trying  to  draw  latte  art  that  looked  more  like
         old  classmates,  all  shiny  and  successful  like  squiggly worms than graceful swans.
         polished  trophies,  made  him  feel  small  and  lost,      At the end of the day, when the coffee shop
         like  a  mismatched  sock  in  a  clean  drawer.  He  was quiet and the lights were low, Lim and Kate
         craved  a  change,  a  splash  of  color  in  his  gray  sat  together,  sharing  stories  and  sips  of  tea.  He
         world.                                              poured out his heart, all the envy and the feeling
              Then, like a warm fire on a snowy night, he    of being left behind. He felt like a wilted flower,
         stumbled  upon  a  tiny  coffee  shop.  It  smelled  of  while  everyone  else  was  blooming  bright  and
         happy  sighs  and  strong  coffee,  and  there  was  beautiful.
         Kate, the barista, with eyes like melted chocolate       Kate listened, her eyes gentle and wise like a
         and  a  smile  that  could  make  a  snowman  blush.  grandma's hug. She didn't talk about fancy jobs or
         Lim  wanted  to  talk  to  her,  to  bridge  the  gap  big money. She talked about the little things, the
         between  his  boring  routine  and  her  sparkling  friends you laugh with until your stomach hurts,
         world.  He  opened  his  mouth,  but  the  words  got  the warmth of a cup in your hands on a cold day,
         tangled in his tongue, like shoelaces in a knot. He  the magic in the ordinary moments that make up
         ended up blurting out something about insurance,    life.  She  showed  Lim  that  life  wasn't  just  about
         feeling stupid and clumsy like a baby trying to use  winning, but about the connections you make, the
         a spoon.                                            smiles  you  share,  the  beauty  in  the  everyday
                                                             things that most people miss.
               Oh, the mess that followed! Coffee, hot and
         bubbly  like  a  grumpy  dragon,  went  flying,             As  the  year  sputtered  out  its  last  flame,  Lim
                                                             walked into the new one with Kate's words tucked
         drenching Kate's hand and turning her fancy latte
         into a watery puddle. Lim felt like a kicked puppy,  in his heart, like a secret treasure map. The world
                                                             looked  different  now,  brighter,  like  a  freshly
         his  ears  drooping  and  tail  tucked  between  his
         legs.  But  Kate,  instead  of  getting  angry,  just  painted  canvas.  His  boring  job  held  a  spark,  his
                                                             days hummed with a quiet joy. And Lim, grateful
         laughed, a sound like wind chimes tinkling in the
         breeze.                                             for the lesson learned in spilled coffee and shared
                                                             laughter,  held  his  head  high,  ready  to  sip  the
              To make up for the disaster, Lim offered to
                                                             sweet  and  bitter  brew  of  life,  one  day  at  a  time,
         help.  He  put  on  an  apron,  big  and  floppy  like  a  knowing  that  even  the  smallest  moments  could
         clown's costume, and tried to be a barista.
                                                             hold the biggest magic.

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