Page 19 - Lovers of Pleasures More than Lovers of God
P. 19

those who have legitimate needs (not

             necessarily wants) as God leads — and

             especially with those of the household of

             faith. The apostle Paul instructed Timothy

             in 1Timothy 6:18 to teach Christians to “be

             rich  in  good  works,  ready  to distribute,

             willing  to  communicate,”  and  Galatians

             6:10 says, “As we have therefore opportunity,

             let  us  do  good  unto  all men,  especially

             unto  them  who  are  of  the household  of

             faith.”  It should also be noted, however,

             that there are those (even some who claim

             to be Christians) who prey upon Christians

             and generous people for handouts rather

             than work for their daily needs. The apostle

             Paul  says  in  2  Thessalonians  3:10,  “For

             even  when  we  were  with  you,  this  we

             commanded  you,  that  if  any  would  not

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