Page 45 - Disney
P. 45
dressing like that today. It wasn't Britney Spears
who taught them to do that originally. This
female betrays feminism. It distorts history.
Paganism and earth worship, shamans, New
Age beliefs, pantheism, ancestral spirit
worship. I actually picked up a book on
Pocahontas about two months ago in a thrift
store, and I just flipped through that book. I
don't know what they were thinking of me, but I
had my notebook out writing down some things
that were in it. But here's what she does. She
goes to Grandmother Willow Tree for counsel,
and that is a magical, wise tree, an old
spirit. This ancient tree comes to life to provide
wisdom to Pocahontas. All around the tree are
spirits. They live in the earth, the water, the sky.
If you listen, they will guide you. Grandmother
Willow's advice is, "Listen to your heart." You
and I know that your heart is wicked and evil,