Page 41 - Disney
P. 41
possessed by a lying and rebellious demonic
spirit placed in him by a demonic fairy. Again,
over and over we're going to see fairies, fairy
tales, fables. Jiminy Cricket’s initials are J.C. I
want you to see as we come through this that
Walt gets a little closer to the Bible at times, but
he rejects the Bible; he rejects Jesus Christ; he
rejects God as the Creator of heaven and
earth. Jiminy Cricket is the puppet's designated
conscience to help him choose between right
and wrong – you know, that little still, small
voice in 1 Kings 19, verse 12. The Blue Fairy
reminds Pinocchio in the film to let his
conscience be his guide. You'll end up in hell if
you let your conscience be your guide.
Cinderella, 1950, a story about a girl oppressed
by her stepsisters and stepmother. Then her
demonic fairy godmother magically gives her
everything she needs to make the prince fall in