Page 4 - Rosendin_Q2_2019_Newsletter
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Lead. While this harmony (collaboration, shared objectives, and SAFE BY CHOICE requires that executives, like myself, trust
open, transparent dialog) is always a project's objective;
and empower each individual with their safety. To that
it doesn't negate the value and importance that everyone
end, every Rosendin employee has a Stop Work Card. This
brings. Day-in and day-out, our choices make a difference.
card provides every employee permission to push back and
"stop work" when they feel there is a safety risk or there
This is why this year's Safety Week theme was so
appropriate - SAFE BY CHOICE!
are unsafe working conditions. Your assessment of the
situation, your gut feeling, your hunch, whatever you call it,
Inspire. We have heard it our whole life - the adage - it is the little is your right to stop work if you feel unsafe.
things, done well, every day, that makes a difference and
I encourage anyone to bring safety ideas forward to your
it all starts with the choices we make! Good choices, good
results! Bad choices, bad results!
team. Most of the great ideas we have come up with as
an organization has come from individuals who work with
That seems simple enough, but we all know that it is much
the tools. You see things first-hand, and I'm confident that
easier said than done. Schedules, deadlines, site conditions,
the companies you work with can help bring your ideas to
contractors, weather, bosses, even our pride, often creates
a set of circumstances that PUSHES us to make decisions
Recently, our teams worked with DeWalt to add safety
that don't "feel right." They don't feel SAFE!
features to their tools to make them safer. Our teams
Build. What we do is not easy and is not for the faint of heart. have developed bar codes that link cell phones to safety
What we do is filled with many challenges and risks. Let's
instruction manuals on various tools and equipment used
not kid ourselves; our industry is dangerous.
each day. SAFE BY CHOICE goes well beyond the job site
and should be applied at home. Incidents are avoidable if
planned well, even if it is just mowing the lawn.
With construction only representing about 7% of the
total US workforce, our industry accounts for 20% of all
I recall the story of Alcoa Aluminum. The company was
workplace deaths. Electrical injuries and fatalities account
for 50% of the workplace with many of these electrical
failing and on the verge of bankruptcy. Their incoming CEO,
Paul O'Neil's number one priority to turn the company
injuries not being electricians.
Construction work is inherently dangerous. From the
surprised when he announced, "Ensure the safety and well
simplest of tasks to the most difficult, everything we do has
being of everyone that worked at Alcoa Aluminum."
the potential of danger. Making wise choices isn't always around was fundamental. Everyone on Wall Street was
easy, and it requires constant awareness and even better This empowerment not only provided Alcoa with an
planning. But, while we talk about all these things that you awesome safety environment but inspired the Alcoa team
must do, I understand that SAFE BY CHOICE starts with ME. to be active participants in making the company better.
SAFETY STARTS WITH ME You see, executives like me always talk about PEOPLE being Better ideas made for better process and better products
and Alcoa became prosperous again. We have found that
our greatest resource, but it is our actions that demonstrate to be true here at Rosendin. Safe jobs are always the most
that WE CARE. For me to say one thing and do something successful jobs!
different does more damage than good.
A Message from Tom Sorley, Chairman/CEO The truth is this; the only real way for any executive to So, wherever you are as you read this, take a moment
to reflect on everyone who works with you. Each person
demonstrate "CARE" is actually to CARE. The very best way is responsible for your safety, and you are for theirs.
to show "CARE" is by ensuring the safety of every individual Tomorrow, you might be the one going home telling your
The Construction Industry has always been unique. The work that we produce that works with you, no exceptions. family that you saved someone's life. Alternatively, you
and the projects that we build are all the result of the combined efforts of might be the one telling your family that someone saved
thousands of individuals; hundreds of manufacturers, contractors, engineers, At Rosendin, we believe that safety starts with trusting you your life. These are both excellent stories to tell but not
and suppliers. Each of us contributing to deliver value and leave a project to make wise choices about your safety. However, before where we want to be.
that we can look back on with a real sense of accomplishment. you do this, you must be confident in how management will
respond. Therefore, it is my responsibility as CEO to provide Let's all choose to create better work environments. Let's
We can often lose sight of the fact that our success is reliant every person that works at Rosendin with the confidence choose to be SAFE. Let's choose to CARE.
on the efforts and the contributions of everyone around us. However, and empowerment to make the RIGHT CHOICE, the SAFE
the reality is that we rely on every other trade, every other company, CHOICE, for themselves and those around them. Without
and every other individual. Their choices affect us, and our choices this psychological safety present from the top, it is difficult, - Tom
affect them. if not almost impossible, to make wise choices at the job.
4 The Feeder | Issue 2, 2019 Issue 2, 2019 | The Feeder 5