Page 6 - Rosendin_Q2_2019_Newsletter
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ou see us every day, nearly 80,000 workers suffer an on Safety Week is a chance to
wearing brightly colored the job injury each year and more remind everyone of our shared
vests, hard hats, and than 800 deaths occur in any given commitment to safety. This year's
Yother protective gear. year. Safety Week theme was "Safe By
We might be wrestling with heavy Choice." Together, our employees,
machinery, atop one of the tallest Construction safety is a clients, and industry partners
buildings in the country, or kicking community-wide concern. celebrated the choices our leaders
up dust with steel-toed boots as Particularly when you consider not and workers make each day to
we move the earth beneath our only the thousands of workers on return home safe each day.
feet. job sites, but also millions of
Every day, we walk onto residents throughout the country Safety is the first and foremost
construction sites across the U.S. who pass those sites each day. We important job we do. During Safety
We Are with one goal in mind – get the job know that each worker on a job Week, our offices and project site
teams celebrated Safety Week and
done safely. We take great pride
site leaves people they care about
in the role we play in shaping the each day as they come to work. We shared the commitment to working
Stronger communities in which we live, want to ensure that all our workers safely. After all, we are stronger
and safer together!
work, and play. More than that, we return home safely.
feel an unwavering responsibility
and Safer to one another and our families We are taking safety in our own If you pass a construction site, take
and friends at home. It's what
a minute to consider the risks
drives us in every decision these workers are undertaking, and
Together we make, and why we never back It's the little things, done well, give them a thumbs up. To learn
down from doing what's right, and
more about Safety Week, visit
every day and on every job, that
doing what's safe.
make the difference. Weaving
safety through everything we
There are thousands of workers do unites us across the industry
in each of our communities behind a shared imperative. This
working on millions of dollars is why Rosendin has joined hands
of construction projects. These with colleagues at construction
men and women are reshaping companies across the
our community - building roads, U.S. and Canada for
bridges, hospitals, arenas, hotels, the National
and more. However, these Construction Safety
workers face risks every day as Week campaign to
they work with heavy equipment encourage workers
in dangerous places. It's truly to adopt safe work
heartbreaking that across the U.S., practices.
6 The Feeder | Issue 2, 2019 Issue 2, 2019 | The Feeder 7