Page 34 - Q3_2020_Rosendin_Corp_Newsletter
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By Zachary Phillips | Construction Dive
osendin is employing a new solution — literally — to better Rosendin workers fill a 50-gallon tank on the back of the machine,
2020 Rmade up of disinfectant and water over high-traffic areas on which costs roughly $4,000, with water and cleaning chemicals,
protect its workers during the coronavirus pandemic. An
then use the machine’s oscillating function to distribute a
industrial-grade cooling unit is being used to blow mist
disinfecting mist over sections of an empty jobsite at the end of
jobsites. the work day, Johnson said. The solution is designed specifically to
kill COVID-19 and other viruses, following EPA recommendations
At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, items like hand outlined in the white paper, which provides other guidance, such
sanitizer and bleach flew off the shelves as Americans stocked up. as not using the mist to spray people, and running weekly water-
While cleaning products have, for the most part, returned to those only mists to mitigate any corrosive effects from the chemicals.
shelves, the need for disinfecting hands and surfaces remains
as the pandemic continues and even surges in some parts of the The Power Breezer, originally intended to cool down large spaces
country. during working hours, can spray the mist up to 60 feet, and takes
about four hours to diffuse a whole tank. Rosendin team members
aintaining COVID-19-free employees, construction projects To encourage social distancing for those working in the office, Unwashed surfaces on construction sites can be a hidden health rotate the Power Breezer to a different area onsite after each
and job sites is critical. Companies are implementing no more than 50% of staff are allowed in each Rosendin office concern even when workers wear the appropriate personal work day to disinfect the space.
safety protocols such as requiring masks, prescreening location. Additional new safety protocol include prescreening protective equipment (PPE) and maintain social distancing.
Mquestionnaires, and physical distancing on-site and in offices questionnaires and temperature scanning upon entering the office As with any new tech or solution onsite, Johnson said, workers
to keep their employees and others safe. The challenge is staying or jobsite. The questionnaire includes four essential questions: Rosendin adopted the practice following the publication of a were a bit wary of the practice at first, but quickly got comfortable
up-to-date with the changing nature of the pandemic, and what is white paper from the Power Breezer company that found that the with the new machine, especially since it doesn’t operate at the
being deemed safe. • Have you or any person you’ve been in close contact with company’s industrial cooler was capable of using mist to disinfect same time workers do.
shown symptoms or been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the large surfaces. Rosendin has employed it at two prefabrication
“They didn't teach us this in a textbook,” said Shayne Stevens, last 14 days? warehouses in Oregon, and two data center jobsites in Oregon and “It provides another tool in the toolbox to provide comfort for our
Corporate Director of Safety at Rosendin. “For all of us, it’s been a Washington state, according to Josh Johnson, Rosendin’s West workers in this uncertain time,” Johnson said.
constant process of evaluating protocols and procedures. We’ve • Have you returned from a country designated by the CDC as Coast corporate safety director.
done many revisions.” high-risk?
Marty Rouse, Vice President of Safety at Rosendin, worries • Have you experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms in the
about misinformation. "The company decided to implement face last seven days, including a fever reading greater than 100.4,
coverings before a lot of other contractors and owners did so," cough, sore throat, respiratory illness, or difficulty breathing?
said Rouse. “We made the decision that it was the best thing
for us to do to provide a safe environment. It definitely starts • Do you or a person you’ve been in close contact with have a
with leadership supporting these efforts and guiding us in this pending or positive COVID-19 test within the last 14 days?
"The questionnaire is now a part of every morning safety check-in
The guidance and recommendations change so frequently, and and posted in Rosendin Electric’s office lobbies," said Julie Moss,
what was valid yesterday isn’t necessarily accurate today. Rosendin's Director of Human Resources. "Safety must remain a
“When we change a process or procedure, we’re letting
[employees} know it’s in their best interest and for their health,” “We feel like the construction industry is setting an example,”
Stevens said. “If somebody shows symptoms, if we have any Rouse said. “We’ve been very successful working on our extensive
doubts, we ask our employees to quarantine.” Rosendin has added projects through this pandemic. Every decision that we make is
COVID-19 awareness and procedures in its supervisor training always in the best interest of our employees and for them and
and new-hire orientation. their families. We believe that if you come to work at Rosendin
and follow the procedures our team has put in place that you can
Rosendin has also taken suggestions from the field, such as using successfully work on projects and go home without contracting
a Power Breezer misting fan to spray disinfectant to help clean COVID-19. We can provide that safe environment for folks.”
warehouses or prefab areas and adding additional sanitation
stations at job sites. “If individuals don’t want to follow these guidelines to keep their
employees and contractors safe, then they’re not allowed to
Maintaining physical separation on-site is an important new access the job site,” Moss said. “We think this is essential. And it
requirement. Rosendin has implemented a social-distancing will be deemed essential for however long it takes.”
officer to monitor it all. Some tasks require people to work in close For information on Rosendin's COVID-19 policies
proximity include installing and hanging conduit, cable pulling, and
energizing electrical equipment. and procedures, visit
34 The Feeder | Issue 3, 2020 Issue 3, 2020 | The Feeder 35
34 The Feeder | Issue 3, 2020 Issue 3, 2020 | The Feeder 35