Page 19 - Q4_2020_Rosendin_Newsletter
P. 19
By Becky Schultz | Reprint
hen you envision expanding your construction just how many different things we could actually do
workforce, “gamers” may not naturally come with VR,” he says.
to mind. But for Fred Meeske, Vice President in
Wcharge of the Building Information Modeling He talked with his team and discovered a lead modeler,
(BIM) Technology Division at Rosendin, these and Jose Samaniego, had a degree in gaming technology.
other tech savvy individuals have proven to be game “After having a discussion with Jose during an annual
changers as the company explores virtual applications. employee review, I learned more about his background,
dreams and vision to improve field communications by
“This younger generation leverages technology in a bringing the BIM model to the field in a more direct
way that a lot of us in the construction business have way,” says Meeske.
not done before,” says Meeske. “They live in this virtual
environment. Most of them don’t just play games, they Meeske decided to refocus Samaniego’s energies. After
actually build them and interact with them.” some brainstorming, they came up with a concept that
would allow VR-based training and assessments. “I
These skills, when applied to a construction gave him a transformer and told him how it worked.
environment, have the potential to effect change. He programmed it into VR and people could actually
“When you’re able to bring them in and have them interact with this transformer [virtually]. We could
apply the skills they have — and augment those skills train them how to wire the transformer, start it up and
with real-world knowledge of construction... the way energize it. We could assess them on it,” says Meeske.
we build things — you get this entire new vision, this “That was something that was super exciting.”
entire new way of doing things that, over the last
several years, has led us in all kinds of areas that we Samaniego also began exploring augmented reality
never even knew existed,” Meeske states. (AR) applications to enable users to view BIM models in
the field. “In time, he was able to make these ideas into
“The whole gamer thing started out very simplified,” he a reality,” says Meeske, “and they have been helping
says, “and then, to me, it became much more complex us change and improve communication with our field
— and much more exciting.” teams to better show what the true design intent or
end product should be like.”
NEW FOCUS ON VR APPLICATIONS Because he came at the projects from the viewpoint
of a gamer, Samaniego was able to develop logical
Founded in 1919, Rosendin is one of the largest solutions to meet specific objectives. “By thinking of
electrical contractors in the United States, employing his team as assets and resources that needed to be
nearly 7,000 workers. It has 16 offices around the allocated to accomplish a goal, he was able to improve
country and, in addition to electrical, is active the efficiency in which a project was completed,” says
in renewable energy, as well as the commercial, Meeske.
institutional, transportation and other sectors. The
company has been fully employee owned for just over
25 years.
Rosendin first began using 3D modeling in early 2000. The concept of hiring employees with gaming
“It’s important to note that both our previous CEO, Tom experience has proven a logical fit in the BIM
Sorley, and our current CEO, Mike Greenawalt, both environment. “Gamers have a natural affinity to see
have supported this vision of leveraging technology and think in 3D space, so what better environment
to benefit the construction industry,” says Meeske. than the construction space?” Meeske asks. “After all,
“Both of those leaders have fully supported the BIM this is really what they are passionate about anyway —
Technology Division.” building environments in a virtual world.
What started as a team of one (Meeske), today “Even outside of the 3D aspect, there are many
encompasses 250+ modelers, coordinators and things that gamers do with their expertise that can
technology developers who are responsible for be translated into several job positions without much
developing and leveraging technology to help facilitate training or change in the way that they already think,”
field construction. he adds.
Meeske was initially skeptical about opportunities for The BIM Division at Rosendin currently has a handful
virtual reality (VR) in Rosendin’s operations. But after of individuals with a gaming background, but Meeske
reevaluating the technology, he recognized greater expects their numbers to grow in the near future.
potential. “As I started to revisit it, I began to realize “What we’re finding is that as we’re able to bring them