Page 7 - Q4_2020_Rosendin_Newsletter
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hile 2020 was a year that presented everyone
with challenges, Rosendin is so proud of how "We recognized there's systemic
Wwe handled all of the curveballs thrown our racism in our country AND in
way. "We have accomplished so much this year, and I'm
so proud of all of it," said Mike Greenawalt, CEO. "The our industry. We welcomed this
year was not without its challenges. We had a plan in opportunity to embrace our
January, and I remember sending out that first COVID- workforce, and we put words to
related email in February. At the time, the concern was it - we made a statement and a
about the supply chain. In a matter of weeks, our January pledge. I'm proud that we now have
plan was scrambled. We adapted and developed a new
plan. And each subsequent plan has been rearranged a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
a bit here and there by COVID. Between changing Committee to hold us accountable to
guidelines and restrictions, everyone at Rosendin has our mission of building ALL people."
done a tremendous job of banding together and helping
each other out."
Perhaps the most significant opportunity that we have
had this past year is the opportunity to examine ourselves
here at Rosendin. In the spring, the deaths of George at Rosendin. We are accountable to our brothers and
Floyd and Breonna Taylor and other incidents brought sisters, and that's not something we take lightly here."
the epidemic of racism to the forefront of everyone's For the team here at Rosendin, Safety is so much more
lives. Rosendin has always had a diverse workforce. It was than having the proper PPE. Rosendin's participation
built into our business plan all along. But this incident in National Construction Safety Week this year was an
showed us that having a workforce rich with employees opportunity for us to showcase to our industry partners
of color didn't mean we were really offering equal how committed we are to a safe work environment.
opportunities. We recognized there's systemic racism in The dummy drop video that the Training and Safety
our country AND in our industry. Said Greenawalt, "We Departments created had more than 2500 views and was
welcomed this opportunity to embrace our workforce, picked up by OSHA.
and we put words to it - we made a statement and a
pledge. I'm proud that we now have a Diversity, Equity, Keith Douglas, COO, notes, "Safety is more than physical
and Inclusion Committee to hold us accountable to our protection here at Rosendin. The psychological health
mission of building ALL people." of our employees is of equal importance." Rosendin
introduced the Culture of Care program to formalize
With all of the internal and external challenges we have Rosendin's anti-discrimination and anti-bullying position.
faced this year, it is important to point out that we have "Employees should feel safe and know that their
had a remarkable year. We've clocked about 10 million colleagues have their back and stand up for them on the
labor hours this year, with 90% of those labor hours job site and in the office," said Douglas. Regardless of our
during the COVID crisis. We have experienced a minimal specific roles, we have all been able to do what needs to
number of COVID cases. This shows that our culture of be done to keep us on track. We are excited to see what
Safety is alive and well. We have followed CDC guidelines, 2021 has in store for us. We'll have to continue to rely on
and it's working. "This COVID incident is a safety incident our processes and procedures and continue to have each
for us, but we have an incredible safety team. Going other's backs.
forward into 2021, I want a 0-0-0 year," said Greenawalt
In 2020, Rosendin relied heavily on our processes and
We are proud that the industry has looked to our COVID procedures to carry us through this year. This year
response as a resource. According to Justin Tinoco, challenged us to make quick decisions while ensuring
Executive Vice President, "We have had very few positive that those decisions were made through the lens of our
COVID cases. A lot of that is due to our culture here Core Values.
WE CARE – We kept our people employed and with
WE SHARE – We shared with other industry leaders
what each other's respective companies were doing.
WE LISTEN – We took employee surveys to figure out
how our teams were doing; if they felt safe, how could
we do things better.
Issue 4, 2020 | The Feeder 7