Page 4 - Q2 2021 Rosendin Corporate Newsletter
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y how construction hands safety presentation that employees. Even if they decide
safety has changed. included information about the to leave Rosendin, each person
will take that culture and training
specialized PPE required for a
M When I think back on
MESSAGE my 40-plus years in the business, particular work type. Later that with them and share it with their
I can attest to how things have
week, she talked to a craft worker
future employers. This is how “We
Share,” another strong Core Value.
improved. In the early years of
who mentioned that they would
my career, safety was viewed
be performing that same specific
FROM as something for the field, the work type over the weekend. As Everyone at Rosendin needs to
feel safe when they are at work,
that worker left the office, she
people with tools in their hands.
whether in the office or on a job
As construction safety evolved, we
asked if he had the specialized PPE
site. A person should not fear
to perform the work. He paused
discovered there was more to it
harassment, hazing, bullying, or
THE CEO than reading a weekly “Tool Box and, embarrassed, acknowledged discrimination. Rosendin has been
Safety Talk” and telling our workers
that he had forgotten to obtain
a leader in developing a vocal
to be safe. We learned that safety
it. However, he promptly went
Culture of Care, and it is something
was everyone’s responsibility,
and got the specialized PPE and
successfully and safely completed
regardless of position or title.
working toward ensuring that we
the work that weekend. All we should all be proud. We are
Safety starts at the top, with the because the Administrative provide a physically and mentally
We learned that safety was C-Suite of any company. We are Assistant listened and took a safe environment for everyone.
the ones ultimately responsible moment to ask a question. Having a healthy and happy team
everyone’s responsibility, for the safety of our people, leads to a productive team and our
and with that, we have to take At Rosendin, we embrace safety overall success. I want everyone
regardless of position or title.
this responsibility seriously and as a culture, and our employee to go home each day feeling
apply it to the entire company. engagement demonstrates a tired and fulfilled and wanting to
willingness to be vulnerable come back the next day. No one
From time to time, I have been and accountable. A few years should ever go home from work
asked, “How can I impact safety ago, I learned from a consultant dreading their return to one of
as an Admin working in the named Dr. Gustava that “culture our job sites or offices because
office?” The answer is, safety trumps everything, and our of mental or physical hazards.
applies to everyone. We all need most powerful tool is our safety
The importance of mental health is
It is much easier to grow a culture of safety when often overlooked, but it is as critical
to a safety culture as anything
everyone is involved. else. For decades, our industry has
not focused on building safety
cultures. However, making sure
to understand that an injury could culture.” Rosendin’s safety that your head is in the right place
happen when doing the simplest of culture is built upon our powerful at the start of each shift makes for
tasks. A desk drawer could become core value of “We Care.” a safe day. I encourage everyone
a tripping hazard when left open, at Rosendin to take some time
or improperly lifting a box of paper Over the years, some of our out of each day to get to know
could cause back strain. We must most influential and powerful the people you are working with,
always have a general awareness clients have helped us develop regardless of position or title. Take
of our surroundings because it is our safety culture. These clients a moment to connect with one
key to safe work practices. Another have shared their knowledge and another. Ask a co-worker, “How
example of how administrative vastly improved the construction are you feeling today?” and listen
staff can positively impact safety is industry. Using this model, I to their response. This is a great
by listening and communicating. believe we can pay forward what way to show we really do care.
we have learned from them and
I worked with an administrative continue to improve our industry Please be safe, and take care.
assistant years ago who had a every day. We have a responsibility
profound effect on the safety to the industry to ingrain this - Mike
of a job. She attended an all- culture of safety in all of our