Page 24 - Q4_2017_REI_Corp_Nwsltr
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Corporate Lean Manager, spent conduct the improvement, known now have their own meetings. One
Quality. teams through the importance DO Dash provides teams with a a lunchtime meeting and “Lean
as Direct Observation (DO) Dash.
office took it to another level with
the afternoon teaching/coaching
direct observation of the process
of using A3 thinking for problem
Cheeseburger” was born.
solving and how to use a Gemba
mindset to “go and see” what and ends with a working prototype Rosendin’s Oregon team was
or improvement that is put into use
Value. The end result included teams improvement event. transformation and results during
the first team to share their Lean
immediately after the continuous
is occurring in the workplace.
the 2017 Lean Lab sessions. REI
putting together A3s that each will
continue to work through within
and Glenn Patterson, presented
their projects and divisions. Building People Project Executives, Michelle Doyle
People. Building Value delegation to the Lean Three posters displayed the path
Rosendin sent its annual
on Oregon’s Lean Culture journey.
for Why, Who, How, and What
Construction Institute (LCI) 9th
Rosendin Electric and its wholly
California. Attending the LCI
Lean culture in just 17 months and
owned subsidiary, Modular Power Annual Congress in Anaheim, was needed in transforming to a
Solutions (MPS), hosted the Congress benefits the company continuing the journey beyond the
Associated General Contractors and those that attend by allowing transformation. Michelle and Glenn
(AGC) Public/Private Industry them to meet and exchange focused on how a series of steps
Building Quality Advisory Council at the MPS ideas with other Lean champions were implemented to improve
facility in Sherman, Texas. The throughout the country. By the Lean Culture and achieve
Rosendin’s Training Department is the home of Training, Lean, and Quality and team had the opportunity to share learning new Lean ideas and tools, tangible results. In turn, this helped
recently reunited to showcase how this relationship brings value to the company. During the Lean concepts and tools attendees can incorporate these enable a stronger top and bottom
the Rosendin QA/QC Summit, 16 QA/QC representatives - regional managers and project utilized to bring value to customers. within their own offices. line, a safer place to work, and
leads from around the country - spent two half-days focusing on implementation of the newly They highlighted one in particular lower costs for our customers.
updated QA/QC/Cx Program. Lean improvement that initially In 2017, a few REI leaders brought The results poster was especially
focused on providing more value to home the idea of “Lean Coffee,” an effective, and the nature of the
Brandon Floyd and Steve Montalvo, Corporate QA/QC Managers, reviewed the new QA/CX Project the customer, but as a by-product, informal meeting focusing on Lean questions highlighted the value
Plan. The QA/QC team focused on standardization, identification, and management of issues and that made the work safer and less opportunities within their division that our journey and presentation
challenges found in QA/QC/Cx activities. In a breakout session, each of the groups identified internal labor intensive. There was also or region. Many offices within brought to the Lean community.
and external REI challenges for implementation and buy-in for the updated program. Stephanie Roldan, discussion on the process used to Rosendin adopted LeanCoffee and
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