Page 9 - Q3_2022_Rosendin Corp Newsletter
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Allowing for less material purchased electricians to handle the screw. If construction safety. Bobby Emery and
for a job than we have historically. By needed, the field electricians could his team in Tennessee provided conduit
less, I mean getting closer to what is still adjust the cards to keep the bending training for apprentices at the
needed than ordering what we ‘think’ installed duct banks level per spec Gallatin project site and have made
we need.” requirements. A story pole was bootcamp/workshop training available.
also created to keep the trench The Tennessee team will expand the
An example is the work being done cards exactly where they needed skills training library in the coming
by Rosendin’s BIM Prefab and to be without using tape measures. months and expand the audience to
Packaging Group at the hyper-scale Greater accuracy allows Rosendin’s include JW-level employees.
data center in Mesa, AZ. The team teams to use fewer materials and
can better create accurate details save on labor. In addition, Mario Flores in Texas is just
that identify what is needed for a starting but will soon implement similar
prefab build, communicate that to WE EXCEL programs at a project site in Temple.
the construction manufacturing facility, The quality of our work will At the same time, Mike Murphy in the
‘the prefab shop’, and they can build represent us for years to come. We Virginia office provides basic electrical
with less waste. Since we can more take pride in what we build. It is our training to office employees and skills
accurately identify what we need for legacy. training to helper classifications.
an installation work package, we can
better predict and manage what we Rosendin continues to elevate the Rosendin’s Training Department has
need when ordering the material. quality of work performed by ensuring its sights on creating more video
that our workforce is trained on the content and learning paths that will
Another example is when a client on latest technologies and receives complement hands-on skills training.
a project required the use of Unistrut continuous skills training and support. Training is also in the process of rolling
for keeping the trench cards in place. Rosendin’s Workforce Development out a “Rosendin Reader” program in
With help from electricians in the Team regularly hosts boot camps Quarter 1 of 2023. This program will
field, the team developed a way across the country. The Arizona team, provide books and higher learning to
to eliminate the need for ordering led by Stephan Cole, has completed 19 office and field employees, including
and installing rebar to keep conduit boot camps, including a pilot Spanish- leadership, soft skills, management,
duct banks from floating during a language version. They have also and communication. ■
concrete pour by welding a square completed seven office boot camps
washer on top of the strut in the aimed at immersing office employees in
prefab shop. They further refined hands-on electrical installations to help
the process and changed to putting them understand the skills required
the cards in place in the prefab shop of our craft workers. Additionally, the
using Tek screws to hold the cards team in Arizona has pioneered, funded,
in place. This change removed the and assisted Grand Canyon University
square washer from the top of the with the development and rollout of
strut while still providing a way to pre-apprentice coursework, with the
keep the cards in place in the strut. first group of 40 students completing
It allowed a way to ‘package’ the Tek the semester in November.
screws in the packages that went
to the field, reducing the amount In North Carolina, Troy Vandine started
of loose material the field needed skills training boot camps and an
ordered or the time it took for onboarding program covering basic