Page 18 - Q1_2024 Rosendin Corporate Newsletter
P. 18

What is an ESOP?

                                                                        no cost to the employee.
                  Each year Rosendin contributes cash or shares of company Stock to the ESOP plan.

             What does ESOP stand for?             How does vesting work?               How do I know what
                                                                                           is going on with
               Employee Stock Ownership Plan        Less than 2 years = 0% vested
                                                       2 years = 20% vested                  my account?
                                                       3 years = 40% vested
                                                       4 years = 60% vested              Each July/August, eligible
                                                       5 years = 80% vested            employees receive a statement
                                                       6 years = 100% vested            with their new ESOP account
                                                                                             balance by mail.
                                                    You are also 100% vested if:
                 from a 401(k) plan?                                                    Once you have received your
                                                  While employed by the company,
             ESOP contributions come solely from   you’ve reached age 65 or older      check the status of your account
                 the company, making them           and have reached at least the      online anytime at
                completely free to employees.      5th anniversary of the date you
                                                    become an ESOP participant.
               An ESOP invests primarily in an
               employer’s stock, while a 401(k)     You die or become totally &
                                                       permanently disabled
             in which employees may invest funds.        while employed.
                                                                                           ESOP fun facts:
                                                                                        ESOP companies are 4x more
                                                                                        resilient than other companies
                                                   How does ESOP work?                   in an economic downturn.
                  Who is eligible for             At the close of each plan year the    ESOP companies have a 25%
                 ESOP contributions?             process begins to determine the value  higher job growth rate than
                                                   of the company & calculate the         non-ESOP organizations.
                 You must be 18 years of age
              by December 31st of the plan year.                                     Rosendin adopted the ESOP in 1992.
                                                 The share price is announced during
           You are eligible in the year you were hired.  the annual ESOP update each June.
               You are a full-time employee not    For eligible employees, shares of
                    covered by a CBA.             company stock are credited to your
                                                  account based on a formula related
                                                        to your annual pay.

                             For further information, please visit the ESOP page on the Intranet
                                          For questions, contact
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