Page 25 - Q1 2022 Rosendin Corporate Newsletter
P. 25
very February, hundreds of
college students across the
Enation gather in Reno, NV, for
the Associated Schools of Construction
(ASC) Student Competition. The annual
ASC Student Competition challenges
top college teams to present solutions
to complex construction problems 2022 ASC Student
in one of 12 categories, including
commercial, electrical, sustainability, Competition
and design-building. Rosendin is proud
to recognize students from Boise State Rosendin
University for their award-winning
presentation. Teams from Oregon Recognizes Teams
State University and California State
Sacramento placed second and third.
Rosendin's Electrical Challenge Stephens, a Boise State alum, is the program that helped shape
required students to work together among several Rosendin judges who my career forever," said Stone.
to prepare a high-level cost-benefit also competed at the ASC Student "If it weren't for ASC, I probably
analysis to add a photovoltaic Competition while in college. wouldn't be here today, so my goal
(PV) system to a client's facility. A is to continue to provide the same
requirement was for the system "I've been involved with the ASC experience and opportunity to the
to reach a minimum 5-year return Competition since 2013, when I future leaders of our industry."
on investment (ROI) after rebates first competed as a sophomore in
or tax credits were realized. college," said Rob Clark, Rosendin The annual competition is also an
Project Manager and ASC judge. important recruiting pipeline for
"The students were presented with a "This is how I was first introduced many companies in the construction
scaled-down example of a real-world to Rosendin and met my future industry seeking summer interns
project related to renewable energy colleagues, so you could say the and the brightest employees.
sources, and we challenged them to ASC Competition is when my
present how to build this project," career at Rosendin started." The Associated Schools of
said Brandon Stephens, Rosendin Construction is the professional
Operations Manager and ASC judge. Mark Stone, Rosendin Project association for the development
"We applaud all the teams for their Manager and ASC judge, also and advancement of construction
hard work, and I'm especially proud competed in the ASC Competition. education, where the sharing of ideas
of my alma mater, Boise State, for "Words cannot express how and knowledge inspires, guides, and
displaying outstanding teamwork, gratifying the opportunity has been, promotes excellence in curricula,
planning, and adaptability." and I am grateful to give back to teaching, research, and service.