Page 7 - Q1 2022 Rosendin Corporate Newsletter
P. 7
In the modern-day, the United moved to compact fluorescent sources Bill Mazzetti, Senior Vice President of
States has witnessed an increase that have evolved into today's LED Research & Development, agrees. "The
in the number of extreme weather sources. This has dropped the lighting bottom line is that systems are now
events, the need for energy, and load and corresponding mechanical using a fraction of the water, power,
global events that have all impacted loads in facilities. The result is a and natural gas used previously. This
our access to efficient and reliable dramatic decline in the overall facility is both by system efficiency as well as
power. Those same factors affect energy needs for lighting." better design application. Twenty years
Rosendin's overall business – ago, we used over 2 W/SF for lighting
including estimating, engineering, "Emissions and sustainability an entire facility. Now it's down to <3/4
purchasing, Research & Development requirements have pushed us to W/SF. This keeps getting tougher, and
(R&D), and project management. design more thoughtful and often the system we design, specify, install,
locally produced equipment and and operate is falling right in line. It's
WHAT CHANGES HAVE WE SEEN? devices. When properly executed, not optional; it's compulsory."
we can save the emissions of hauling
In the last 20 years, Rosendin has equipment across the country or HOW DO SUSTAINABILITY
observed significant changes in worldwide and support the local
lighting and control design, metering, economy," said Wilson. "There has REQUIREMENTS IMPACT US?
photovoltaic, and electric vehicle also been a focus on Net Zero Carbon
charging station requirements. requirements to reduce the amount According to jurisdictions, sustainability
Today, most electrical systems are of carbon a facility produces to the requirements for new construction and
controlled by "smart" devices and absolute minimum. These facilities renovations vary across the country. It
tied to a building management generally don't use natural gas for is not only government requirements
system (BMS). The upfront cost to heating or cooking and rely on that can impact Rosendin’s projects
install these systems is expensive, electrical power. The designs involve but also the goals of our customers.
but owners receive a better product larger electrical equipment capacity Many customers have implemented
with significant cost reductions for and higher energy use, but the plans for facilities to be powered
maintenance and operation phases. elimination of carbon emissions offsets solely by renewable energy sources,
them. When designing these facilities, with LEED certification continuing
According to Ron Wilson, Rosendin to be a goal. Vu Le, Chief Estimator
we must be aware of the requirements
VP of Engineering, we have seen an in San Jose, notes that "some cities
and provide feedback on the tradeoff
enormous push toward greater energy are already implementing 100% EV
between carbon-producing sources
efficiency in the last 20 years. "It Capable or Ready for Parking Stalls,
and zero or near-zero carbon-
started with fluorescent sources and although the state does not require
producing sources."
them to implement at that level."