Page 8 - Q1 2022 Rosendin Corporate Newsletter
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The willingness of cities to implement sustainable energy production increases, the need to stabilize
measures without legal requirements is evidence of a energy production has become much more critical.
trend observed by Mazzetti, "Sustainability is so ingrained The renewables sources, while clean, are intermittent.
in design and construction today that it's an assumption As a result, there needs to be something to backstop
in North America." Wilson has also seen a push for on- these sources when they are not producing at optimum
site and regional energy production and microgrids, levels. In the case of solar power, cloud cover will reduce
"This brings the production closer to the load and allows production, sometimes dramatically, and solar energy
more energy autonomy for the local facility or region. We cannot be produced during night hours. The same is true
will need to continue to look at locally sourced and low of wind sources. Wind is variable, and contrary to popular
carbon producing material." belief, high-velocity wind does not increase energy
production. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) provide
Rosendin keeps a close eye on upcoming changes through this backstop and create a stable distribution grid at the
membership on code and governmental committees Utility level.
where we can influence change.
Another reason BESS has become a topic in recent years
HOW DOES EXTREME is the ability to provide stability at a local or regional
WEATHER IMPACT US? level, reducing the reliance on the transmission grid and
allowing added capacity. With extreme weather events and
Many people are curious about how extreme weather aging electrical infrastructure, having energy available at
events impact Rosendin, including heat, cold, flooding, a local or regional level can reduce the chances of a major
and tornadoes, to name a few. Craft workers primarily feel power outage affecting many people and businesses for
the effects of these events, creating job site work stress. an extended amount of time.
Rosendin's R&D team collaborates with our craftspeople For generator surrogates, a BESS can be easily swapped
on different types of cooling/heating systems for job sites, for any generator; however, current battery technology
exoskeletons for endurance and safety support, and other has a couple of handicaps. First, current electrical and life-
robotics to assist in work that has a high strain on muscles safety codes do not recognize a BESS as a code-allowed
and joints. In addition, Rosendin's safety and project emergency power source. Second, they are about 25-40%
management teams are working diligently to create work more expensive on a kW-kW basis over generators and
environments free from harassment, hazing, and bullying, fuel. Third, there's a big disconnect between fuel storage/
where all are treated as people first and not hired hands.
battery run time requirements in code requirements or
Creating positive and safe work environments includes on- client standards.
site shelters from the forces of nature, food trucks, safety Yet, air quality issues and the number of generators
equipment designed for different body types, personal allowed on the job sites are getting substantial pushback
tools, and the like. Survivability means we can maintain from authorities having jurisdiction, and clients are now
business before, during, and immediately following a trumpeting climate change as a core value. Rosendin is
designed-for event. As we forward-think about how we working with several hyperscale customers to transition
can keep our job sites safe, we know that not every system their infrastructure to fewer generators and more
can survive a catastrophic event, but we will work to batteries. Rosendin has an invention called BESSUPS,
ensure our teams are as safe as possible. The fact is that which replaces the generators and UPS power system,
risks to both facilities and businesses evolve. Sometimes dropping the data center's electrical cost by 80%. But, it's
one must stop and reevaluate and spend some money to a giant leap for a very risk-averse business. Our teams
harden the facility.
expect BESSUPS to be a mainstream system by 2025.
Many people deny climate change. Whether this is a
normal cycle or a trend, it is undeniable that the planet is WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD?
getting hotter. Rosendin is always looking at how we can Rosendin's future continues to have a bright outlook.
use material better, specify lower power consumption As we grow, Rosendin's entire team remains committed
systems, and generate less waste. Rosendin's R&D to its core values and how those values show up in our
team performs industrial engineering in the built work. As an employee-owned company, we are constantly
environment. It is part of our everyday work and working with an eye on our future, including the future
sensitivities. of our planet, and being mindful of how we can build
sustainability into our projects and facilities.
On April 22nd, Rosendin will celebrate Earth Day with a
While Rosendin continues to see growth in nearly week of initiatives and challenges to remind and engage
every market, one area has become a hot topic over
the past several years: battery storage. our employees, families, and customers to care and invest
in our planet. Sustainability is the path to prosperity
Battery storage has come to the forefront of because a green future is a prosperous future.
conversation for several reasons. As renewable