Page 39 - Q3_2021_Corp Newsletter
P. 39

Appreciating a
 Suicide             MULTIGENERATIONAL
 PREVENTION                          WORKFORCE


        COMMUNICATION IS KEY                          52%

 September is National Suicide Prevention Month. According
 to the Centers for Disease Prevention, construction   Stark differences in communication styles are    MILLENNIALS & GEN Z
 occupations have the highest rate of suicide and the highest   apparent in multi-generation teams. Leaders should   prefer in-person communication with managers    DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION
        avoid implementing a blanket communication policy
 number of suicides across all occupational groups.
        and instead work with individuals within different age     OVER EMAILING OR INSTANT MESSAGING
        groups to define a system that works for them.
 We can all help prevent suicide. Rosendin, alongside our
 industry partners, encourages you to STAND Up for suicide
 prevention and address it as a health and safety priority.   LIFE HAPPENS  MENTORSHIP MATTERS
 Through creating safe cultures, providing training to identify
 and help those at risk, raising awareness about the suicide   Employees from different generations will be in different   The range of ages in the workforce today presents a
                                                             unique opportunity to build collaborative relationships.
        life stages. Present people with flexible working options to
 crisis in construction, normalizing conversations around   help them manage their personal plans and focus on their   Rising employees can learn from the experiences and
 suicide and mental health, our industry can ultimately   work results rather than how they accomplish a task.   wisdom of senior workers, while seasoned veterans
 decrease the risks associated with suicide in construction.  should welcome the fresh perspectives presented by their
 Click here to take the CIASP’s pledge to   71%  69%         younger counterparts.
 STAND Up for Suicide Prevention.                             89%          ALMOST NINE IN TEN MILLENNIALS
        of employees around              of employees said                 agree that baby boomers in the workplace
        the world said being           they would seriously                are a great source of mentorship.
        able to work flexibly       consider leaving a job if
        on an informal, as-needed   they had a boss that doesn’t           WHILE 93% OF BABY BOOMERS
        basis was important in a job.  allow them to work flexibly.   93%  agree that Gen Ys bring new skills
                                                                           and ideas to the workplace.
 Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the cultural   DON’T GENERALIZE
 contributions and history of people of Hispanic or Latinx   THE HONOR ROLL
 heritage. In the US, Hispanic Heritage Month starts on   Materialistic Boomers...Slacker Gen Xers...
 September 15 and ends on October 15. At Rosendin, we   Entitled Millennials...Rebellious Gen Zs...   Each group in this gen-blend era crave recognition
 celebrate the cultural legacy of our founders Moses and   Each generation has earned its own reputation, but teams   from their leaders and colleagues, just in different ways.
 Bertha Rosendin.  should be encouraged to find points of connection instead   Boomers and Millennials often seek status symbols, while
        of dwelling on generational differences. Empathy training   a simple email or pat on the back can suffice for Gen Xers
 Moses and Bertha came to the United States in the early   can help workers better understand their colleagues,   and Zs. Be sure to implement programs of appreciation at
 1900s from Mexico to start a new life. They began a   helping recognize emotional responses and motivations.   all levels to boost productivity.
 family business and an American legacy in 1919. Rosendin
 Electric Motor Works serviced the San Jose and Santa Clara   45%  45% OF GEN Z
 communities by wiring homes and shops and providing   cited potential challenges
 many other practical utility services. As the business   working with baby boomers,
 expanded throughout California under Moses’ leadership,   compared to 17% who anticipate
 Bertha became a key player in administrative functions.   difficulties with Gen X
 Their sons went on to carry the legacy by learning about   5%  17%  and 5% with Millennials.
 the business and the field. With more contracts came more
 employees, and from the 1930s to 1958, Rosendin Electric
 grew from an 8 employee company to 90. Over 100 years
 later, Rosendin employs 7,200 individuals across the nation.  Rosendin has Zero Tolerance for discrimination.
                      It is our responsibility as a leader in the building
 Rosendin is proud to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month as   industry to promote equality and diversity.
 we recognize our roots and celebrate those in our company   Acts of discrimination, harassment, and/or
 and communities who identify as Hispanic or Latinx. We   racism by or against our team members,
 encourage everyone to learn more about the history of the   partners, and clients will not be tolerated.
 Hispanic community and its contributions to our industry
 and our nation.

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