Page 17 - Q4_2022 Rosendin Corporate Newsletter
P. 17

MY JOURNEY TO NOW                                       into the guts of the NEJATC school. Pointing to perfectly
                                                                laid out lines of shiny electrical conduit, she described
        I earned a bachelor's degree in philosophy at the age   the skill and craftsmanship involved in pulling off these
        of 19. Not wanting to go straight to graduate school to   carefully wrought electrical designs—designs that
        focus on ethics in the abstract, I decided to move to a   would power the very heart of the building and enable
        fully income-sharing commune in rural Virginia. For two   the learning that happens within its walls. I was sold.
        years, I helped cultivate food and maintain buildings and
        vehicles on those 400-plus acres shared by 100 people.   Moreover, living in the US and seeing the work needed
                                                                to improve our infrastructure, I realize the centrality of
        It was here that I discovered my love for the craft trades.   the electrical trade. Power generation and distribution
        Still, by the age of 21, I was ready to set off on my own   is central to our mission to limit greenhouse gas
        again. I worked as an educator for the next several years,   emissions and transition to ecologically regenerative
        receiving a master's degree in education while teaching   systems. Even training as an inside wireman, my
        English in Shanghai, China. Next, I pursued another     chosen field contains keys to understanding and
        master's degree in social science research in Taipei,   innovating what makes our homes livable, our economy
        Taiwan, focused on environmental standards in the island's   moving, and our fingertips able to access the wealth
        heavy industry. My background in English language arts   of human knowledge with the stroke of a finger.
        led me to edit for professors, graduate students and
        eventually the now-defunct China Post newspaper.        Now as an apprentice with local 429, I work each day
                                                                to build a LEED Gold-certified data center, powered by
        But after five years of wandering, living the              100% renewable energy and using 80% less water
        expatriate life in Asia plus several months in              than a typical data center. My fellow workers
        central Europe, I felt determined to find a home             vary widely in age and experience level; I work
        where I could potentially make a difference.                 with teenagers fresh out of high school and
        Moreover, years spent hitting the books and                  with Vietnam veterans nearing retirement.
        toiling away behind computers soon took
        their toll on my spiritual well-being and my               When it comes to the younger workers around me,
        physical health. I longed to realign my                      I am confident that the future of construction will
        work life, moral convictions, and a sense                       be in the hands of a competent generation
        of community, like what I experienced                            of craftspeople less bogged down by the
        on the commune. By 2021, I was ready                              machismo stereotypes that burdened our
        to return to a more active lifestyle.                             elders. Now workers discuss things like
                                                                           mental health issues and work-life balance
                                                                           concerns. You are no longer expected
        JOINING AN APPRENTICESHIP                                          to suck it up and grit your teeth rather
        PROGRAM                                                             than ask for help when you need it.

                                                                           My more seasoned male colleagues have
        Thankfully, I discovered the Music                                 also warmly welcomed me on site. A few
        City Construction Careers (MC3) pre-                               have told me they are not used to working
        apprenticeship program while emerging                            beside women, but I have found it relatively
        from the coronavirus lockdown. Mingling                          easy and rewarding to earn their respect by
        with representatives from several union                          working smart and working hard. My supervisors
        trades, I realized how the culture of                            offer patient instruction and advice, making
        trade union solidarity could potentially                         me much more confident with the tools of
        be that missing link, my gateway to                              my trade—from wire strippers and hydraulic
        integrating my values and my work.
                                                                          pipe benders to forklifts and flatbed trucks.
        I was not completely sold on walking the                           Now as I embark on the latest stage of my
        electrician’s path, however, until I met                           journey, I am inspired by tradeswomen like
        the president of local 429, Kim Sansom.                            Kim Sansom who paved the way. Perhaps
        She was teaching a class for the MC3                                one day I also will become a mentor
        program, and she happened to ask me                                   to a new generation of craftswomen.
        what trade I was considering. I told her                              Together we can build a more ecologically
        about sheet metal work, because of the                                flourishing world and a healthier, more
        intricate designs and unique aesthetic                               inclusive construction industry. n
        beauty of architectural sheet metal.
                                                                             Samantha Sprole is a first-year apprentice electrician who is studying at the
                                                                             Nashville Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (NEJATC).
        After I mentioned this, she led me and
        some other students through a door

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