Page 22 - Q4_2022 Rosendin Corporate Newsletter
P. 22




      By Kerry Smith (Reprinted from ENR California August 22/29 2022)

                 pecialty contractors responsible for engineering data centers

                 consider the back-up power system the “pacemaker” of these

        Smission-critical spaces.

      Jacobs Mission Critical Global Technology Leader         piping and in the electrical infrastructure, as well
      Ken Kutsmeda has led the construction of more            as water storage tanks within the cooling system,
      than 1 million sq ft of data centers, adapting the       should public water loss occur.”
      latest technologies to electrical systems design
                                                               In years past, the redundancy strategy for these
      for mission-critical facilities worldwide. “Data
      centers are meant to operate 24/7…they can’t             facilities was to back up IT and cooling through
                                                               alarge, paralleled back-up power generation
      have downtime,” Kutsmeda says. “Their systems
      must be designed with redundancy and resiliency          system. These days, Kutsmeda says, many
      so that concurrent maintenance can be performed          hyper-scalers, such as Amazon, Microsoft and
                                                               Google, are engineering redundancy at the
      without shutting down the data center, and to
      ensure continuous operation if one part of a             IT level to protect from outages while also
                                                               engineering power back-up for the network.
      system fails.”
                                                               “One configuration is providing back-up power in
      Nearly every piece of mechanical, electrical             smaller individual power trains,” he says, “pairing
      and plumbing (MEP) equipment—the                         a generator with a transformer and UPS system so
      generator,transformer, uninterrupted power               they can be easily phased with construction.”
      supply (UPS) feeding each server rack, power
                                                               A current, growing trend, Kutsmeda adds, is
      distribution unit (PDU), chiller, pump and fan—has
      at least one redundant component. Kutsmeda               sustainability and carbon emissions-free back-up
      notes, “There’s also redundancy in the mechanical        power generation that replaces the carbon-based

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