Page 10 - REI Corporate Newsletter - Q3, 2018
P. 10
Written by Holly Scholz
Central Oregonian
Published September 27, 2018
Scott Harner, REI Area Superintendent, talking with Band of Brothers and Scott Harner, REI Area Superintendent,
members of Band of Brothers. Robert John, REI Project Executive, and Judge Seth Crawford.
flag-raising celebration took proud to have their continued support."
place at the base of the pole on Bill Quant, a member of Band of
Brothers, said the brand new 30-foot-
A Thursday morning at the Rimrock
Old Glory Lanes building. by-60-foot flag cost Flags of Prineville
and the City of Prineville $2,200.
Each day, the American flag flew
proudly outside this establishment, but Peterson Cat donated the use of
the rope that once raised Old Glory a boom lift, and Rosendin Electric
became unusable, and the flag has not arranged for it to be transported from
Rises Again flown for about four months. Portland so the rope could be fastened
to the top of the pole. Bend Rigging
had donated the new rope.
Rosendin Electric employees reached
Over Prineville out to the Prineville nonprofit Friends During the ceremony Thursday,
of the Flag, who kept the flag flying for
years, to get the rope replaced and
members of the Band of Brothers,
raise the Stars and Stripes proudly
again. Rosendin Electric employees, and
Crook County Judge Seth Crawford
hoisted the flag out of a box and raised
Rosendin Electric, an employee- it to the top of the 110-foot cell tower.
The American flag that once flew at the top owned company and one of the Crawford then joined Joe Sherman,
largest electrical contractors in the
of a cell tower in the Baldwin Industrial Park U.S., is purchasing the Rimrock Lanes a Rosendin Electric prefabrication
in Prineville, OR is once again flying. building after the bowling alley on manager, in the boom lift for a ride to
Southwest High Desert Drive closed
the top of the pole to adjust the rope
earlier this year. The building will be and flag.
used for an additional warehouse and
prefabrication facility. For nearly a decade, Rosendin has
held a presence in Prineville, working
The AT&T cell tower sits in a 50-foot- on the first data center building in the
by-50-foot easement on the nearly area. With a history of hiring local
5-acre Rimrock Lanes property. labor, Rosendin recently became a
The Prineville Band of Brothers, member of the Crook County Chamber
a group of veterans and current of Commerce and has been a strong
members of the military, along with contributor to holiday fundraisers and
the help of Crook County Judge Seth multiple organizations, including Crook
Crawford, has continued to manage County 4-H, Crook County School
the maintenance of the flag. District, and the new Splash Pad at TOP: Band of Brothers and Judge Seth Crawford raising
Stryker Park. As local data centers the flag. MIDDLE: Joe Sherman, REI Prefab Manager, and
Judge Seth Crawford.
"Seven years ago, Rosendin Electric continue to expand in the area,
and our community partners worked Rosendin is cementing itself as a long-
with us to light the flag so it could be term community partner. Project Executive at Rosendin Electric,
flown 24/7," Crawford said. "Rosendin "We share in the patriotism of the
has once again stepped up to our "We continue to place a high community, and we're glad to help get
community and our large population of priority on our Prineville community the American flag flying again as soon
veterans. Crook County is blessed and involvement," said Glenn Patterson, as possible."
10 The Feeder | Issue 3, 2018 Issue 3, 2018 | The Feeder 11