Page 12 - RAIDO PORTFOLIO 2021
P. 12



           RAIDO Hyper ES 5W-30                       ACEA C3;                                         This universal, ester fortified, fuel saving synthetic motor oil is
           NS-A.06.85                                 API SN, API SN Plus;                             suitable for use in petrol and diesel engines, with or without turbo-
                                                      BMW Longlife-04;                                 charging. Moreover this lubricant is also very suitable for passenger
                                                      GM dexos 2;                                      car diesel engines with pump-injector-unit. This product meets the
                                                      MB 229.31/229.51/229.52;                         requirements of several OEM and thus has a wide application.
                                                      Opel OV0401547;
                                                      VW 505.00/505.01

           RAIDO Hyper  5W-30                         ACEA C2/C3;                                      A synthetic smooth-running engine oil with reduced sulfate ash
           ST-DL.15.23                                API SN/CF;                                       content for petrol and diesel car engines. It is particularly well suited
                                                      BMW Longlife-04;                                 to modern diesel engines with particle filters. This oil is
                                                      dexos2™ (D23502BH374);                           characterized by its excellent cold starting properties, minimization
                                                      MB-229.31 / 229.51 / 229.52;                     of fuel consumption, friction and wear. This oil provides measurable
                                                      VW 505 00/505 01;                                fuel saving and a reduction in emissions due to a reduced HTHS
                                                      Chrysler MS-11106; Fiat 9.55535-S3;              viscosity and contributes to the protection of the environment.
                                                      Ford WSS-M2C 917-A;
                                                      OV0401547 (nur Dieselmotoren);
                                                      Renault RN0700/RN0710;
                                                      VW 502 00

           RAIDO Extra UN 5W-30 LL                    ACEA C3;                                         This universal synthetic motor oil is suitable for use in petrol and
           NS-A.06.61                                 API SN, API SN Plus;                             diesel engines, with or without turbo-charging. Moreover this
                                                      BMW Longlife-04;                                 lubricant is also very suitable for passenger car diesel engines with
                                                      GM dexos 2;                                      pump-injector-unit. This product meets the requirements of several
                                                      MB 229.31/229.51/229.52;                         OEM's and thus has a wide application.
                                                      Opel OV0401547;
                                                      VW 505.00/505.01

           RAIDO Extra UN NF 5W-30 LL  ACEA C3;                                                        This universal, fuel saving synthetic motor oil is suitable for use in
           ST-A.06.54                                 API SN, API SN Plus;                             petrol and diesel engines, with or without turbo-charging. Moreover
                                                      MB-229.31/229.51/229.52;                         this lubricant is also very suitable for passenger car diesel engines
                                                      BMW Longlife-04;                                 with pump-injector-unit. This product meets the requirements of
                                                      GM dexos 2;                                      several OEM's and thus has a wide application.
                                                      Opel OV0401547;
                                                      VW 505.00/505.01

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