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           RAIDO Extra F 0W-30                        ACEA C2;                                         This synthetic, fuel economy, "mid SAPS" motor oil is recommended
           ST-A.06.05                                 Ford WSS-M2C950-A;                               for use in petrol and diesel engines, with or without turbo-charging,
                                                      Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5007                  in passenger cars and delivery vans with extended oil drain intervals.
                                                                                                       Due to its low SAPS content this product can be applied in vehicles
                                                                                                       with modern three way catalysts and diesel particle filters. Very
                                                                                                       suitable for Ford engines where the manufacturer prescribes a
                                                                                                       product that meets the specification Ford WSS-M2C950-A with the
                                                                                                       viscosity SAE 0W30.

           RAIDO Extra PS 0W-30                       ACEA C2;                                         This universal, synthetic, fuel economy, "mid SAPS" motor oil is
           NS-A.06.77                                 PSA B71 2312                                     recommended for use in petrol and diesel engines, with or without
                                                                                                       turbo-charging, in passenger cars and delivery vans with extended
                                                                                                       oil drain intervals. Due to its low SAPS content this product can be
                                                                                                       applied in vehicles with modern three way catalysts and diesel
                                                                                                       particle filters.

           RAIDO Hyper Polar LHC                      ACEA C2/C3;                                      A fully synthetic smooth-running engine oil for petrol and diesel car
           0W-30 DX2                                  MB- 229.51;                                      engines of light transporters and high-performance vehicles with
           ST-DL.01.04                                BMW Longlife-04;                                 diesel particulate filter DPF and 3-way catalytic converters which
                                                      dexos2™;                                         require a minimum HTHS of 3. 5 mPa*s. This oil is characterized by
                                                      MB 229.31;                                       excellent cold starting behavior and extends the lifespan of diesel
                                                      Renault RN0700/RN0710;                           particulate filters, DPF, and 3-way catalytic converters, TCW, thanks
                                                      VW 502 00/505 00/505 01                          to special additives,is an energy-efficient oil for year-round use

           RAIDO Extra BM 0W-30                       ACEA C3;                                         This fuel economy motor oil is recommended for use in petrol- and
           NS-A.06.92                                 BMW Longlife-04;                                 diesel engines, with or without turbo-charging, in passenger cars
                                                      MB 229.51                                        and delivery vans with the specifications as stated below.

           RAIDO Extra 0W-30                          ACEA C3;                                         This fuel economy, specially composed motor oil, is recommended
           ST-A.06.44                                 VW 504.00/507.00;                                for use in petrol and diesel engines, with or without turbo-charging,
                                                      Porsche C30                                      in passenger cars and delivery vans with extended oil drain intervals.
                                                                                                       This motor oil also contributes to the extension of the lifetime of
                                                                                                       particle filters. Due to its special composition it is possible to apply
                                                                                                       this product for the VW 504.00/507.00 requirements, in practice
                                                                                                       also called VW Longlife III.

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